A fresh start

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After a conversion with Colson and a few hours of waiting. Slim arrives with fresh clothes, I immediately run to the bathroom to check if the BIFC sweatshirt was there. It was. Is this real? Did I just see my future. No, that would be crazy. As I slow change and look at myself in the mirror. If tonight that those girls come up to me. I just might faint.

"You okay in there?" I hear Slim call through the door

"Ughh, Yeah. Just...Changing my underwear" I facepalm myself and giggle a bit. I hear a laugh

"Okay, well if we want to get there in time" I slowly open the door and look at Slim

"Wow, you look great."


Soon Slim and I join head as we head to the nurse's station. Not in a lover way just as friends. When I pick up my chucks they were in a plastic bag and had blood all over them. Way different then my dream. As soon as we reach the car I get in and I'm completely silent. As we headed down the interstate my heart races and my mind was confused. Slim doesn't try talking to me, I think he knew I need my time. As the sun sets, I check my messages on facebook. Come on Trevor, Message me. I wait until I hear the facebook ping. I look, it's from him. I debate on what to tell him but soon drift asleep. Once we arrive, I head straight for the bus. As I lay in my bunk. I think. Maybe I should go home be with Trevor. Maybe that was my sign to have a fresh start. I soon her Colson's loud footsteps as he races to my bunk and hops on in.

"I missed you, Megan." He kisses my cheek

"I missed you too."

"I was so scared, I was going to lose you."

"I'm so sorry, Colson." I roll around and look at his face and his bright blue eyes. I softly kiss his lips.

"I want you to drop me off when we go to Cleveland." His face is confused


"Because, I need to go back. This isn't for me. This life style. I loved being on stage but I can't do it anymore"

"Megan, please stay on the tour. You don't have to sing."

"Colson, I have to do this." I could see his red eyes getting watery. I wipe his eyes

"I love you. But You don't have my whole heart."

"What do you mean?"

"I have someone else back home in Cleveland, his name is Trevor."

"Please, just stay with me."

"I can't."

"Pleasee." I feel his arms get tight around me. I don't know what do..........


kinda short but the end is soon

xoxo Ana

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