Labor Pains

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Hey guys, sorry if the pregnancy seems rushed. I just kind of want to get pass the birth because I got some good stuff planned ;)

xoxox Ana


4 months later

I look at my big belly in the mirror. I turn to my side and take a picture. 8 months and I'm huge. As I was looking down at my phone I feel a pair of arms wrap around my belly. I look up and see Colson standing behind me. I smile and snap a pic. I turn around and try to kiss him but it's hard with my belly. I finally get it. He kisses me back.

"I'm going to miss you so much awhile your gone." I frown

"Awe, Don't give me that look. I'm going to be gone for 3 days." He looks down at me

"Still, I'm 8 months pregnant and sometimes with twins they come early." I look at my belly and rub it.

"I know, I promise if you go into labor while I'm going. I'll come home right away." He smiles.

"Okay. Did you hear my song is going on its 10th convective week as number 1?" I smile at the thought

"Yes. Of course. I told you it would." He kisses me again.

"So, I made up Casie's room for her. She has all her toys and clothes." When I was around 4 months pregnant Colson and I decided we need our own place with the babies on the way. We got a super nice 3 bedroom apartment in downtown Cleveland.

"I was thinking, when you going to say "yes" to marrying me?" I sigh, on his 23th birthday, I was 5 months and he proposed to me but I told him I wanted to wait till the twins got here.

"I told you, I want to wait." He shakes his head.

"What am I going to do with you." I grab his hand and pull him to our bedroom.  We lay on the bed.

"I'm glad you saved me." I look at my some what faded scars from a year ago.

"I'm glad you came with me on tour." He smiles

"I love you."

"I love you."

"Do you remember when I found out I was pregnant when we were in California? Man, I was so scared."

"I was too. But now that they are almost here. I really just want to met them." I smile. Then I start to feel super sharp pains. I make a face.

"What's wrong baby?" The pain gets worse.

"Just the babies." I thought the pain would go way but it wasn't I sit up on the bed and look at Colson.

"Are they contractions?"

"I think so." They pain start to get worse and closer. Holy crap, they told me it would take longer for the contractions to get closer then I feel a liquid down my leg and I see the white sheets getting wet.

"Baby, I think my water just broke."  I look at my soaked yoga pants and sheets. I see Colson's face go white. 

"Are you serious?" I give him a "are you really asking me that" face

"Ugh, Yeah." He jumps out of the bed and grab his phone to cancel everything and I remain calm as slowly get off the bed and try to change my yoga pants. I find our hospital bag and place it on the bed. Colson looks panicked. 

"Okay, we are going to the hospital." He grabs the bag and we head to the car. On the way to the hospital I tweet something about going into labor. My phone starts blowing up and the pain gets worse. We get to the hospital and I'm rushed to a delivery room. As I lay in the bed 2 hours later, I see Dr. Nelson and he has a smile on his face. 

"Well, you came a little earlier then I thought but lets check how dilated are you." He does his stuff and the pain is still horrible. 

"You seem to be around 4 centimeters. Would you like any medication?" I shake my head "no." and he walks out of the room. Colson sits next to me. As the hours pass and the pain gets worse, I just want them out of me. Soon Dr. Nelson comes in ready to go.

"Alright you are 10 centimeters. Let's get these babies out." Why didn't I get pain medication or just have a c-section. Fuck. I start pushing. Colson holds one hand and a nurse holds the other. Every time I pushed I swore at Colson

"I fucking hate you. I hate you so much." 

After the worse pain I have ever felt and 10 minutes of pushing. I feel a tad bit better then I hear crying. I look down and there is my baby boy

"Well, here Dominik." I start crying they place him on my chest and I look at him. Colson cuts the cord and he is rushed away. Soon the pain starts again and this one went by faster. As I almost faint, I give one last push. I look down and see Kaitlyn. I cry even more, I think half was the fact I wasn't in that pain anymore. Colson cuts the cord again and she is rushed away. After everything was finished, we moved to a very beautiful room with a deluxe bed. Colson and I lay on the bed. He kisses my cheek.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too."

Soon two nurses wheel the babies in. I start crying as one nurse puts Dominik in my arm and the other puts Kaitlyn in Colson's. He crys with me. I just hold him then we switch. I look at Kaitlyn, she looks a lot like Colson. Blonde hair, blue eyes long body. I can tell she is going to be tall. I look at Dominik and he looks like a mini-me. Brown eye blue eyes my nose but he has a long body too. We spend time with them but soon I get tired. Colson puts the babies in there crib things and I fall asleep.  

When I wake up Colson his sleeping on the couch next to me and a nurse is standing next to me. I look around my babies aren't there.

"Miss, where are my babies?" She looks down at me.

"They are in the nursery. You are lucky, you were blissed with two healthy babies."

"Can I go see them again?" She nods and she helps me out of bed. I feel a lot of soreness in my area as I grab the IV poll and she leads we to the nursery. Right as we turn the corner, I stop dead in my tracks. Trevor is right front of window at you can see the babies through. Oh shit..........


This is kind of a bonus chapter!

All you people that hate Trevor are going to be mad at me but he is going to be back in the story for awhile. 

Also Happy birthday to Dominik Joseph and Kaitlyn Aurora Baker :) 

(picture is of twins that I thought were cute)

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