About me.

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Hi! I'm Emmi Butler or know as babytard. I love school, I love my family, I love my life. I'm super blessed to be who I am. My parents have unusual jobs, they make YouTube videos on the internet, YouTube, I have three brothers and one sister. Brock or Rocktard we share rooms. Then there is Daxton or Brotard he is the youngest he is the center of attention then there is Gavin or Sontard first born. Then there is Avia or Princesstard. Hint the name princess, she think she is one. Well she isn't. She is the STAR.
S-T-A-R everyone loves her. Then there is me. The kinda middle child. It sucks I feel like my parents don't pay attention to me enough but I know they love me.
Omg! My parents are Colette and Shay

This is my story of how my life changed in one year.


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