Emmi did what!?

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****AT HOME****
Emmis POV:

It was 2 hours after I blew up, I think people wanted me to rest cause I heard
Dad vlogging. "Emmi went to sleep early... She wasn't feeling well." Dad said. Dad ended the vlog and took his computer upstairs, he left his phone on the counter, I went and I grabbed it. He doesn't have a password so I can easily go on my Instagram. I made this Instagram a while ago but no one knows cause if they did I could get in big trouble. I searched up "how to deal with bullies." And some on top results were "talk to a trusted adult." And there was this one that said "Don't do SELF HARM." I clicked on it. There were some pictures of people with blades. Slicing there wrist. I logged out of my Instagram and ran to mom and dads bathroom. "Emmi, are you okay?" Mom said. "Um no I feel like I'm gonna puke." I said lying. "Well your not going to school tomorrow, and I'll get some medicine." Mom said. I walked in closed he bathroom door and looked her her razor. There it was. I grabbed scissors and cut the blade out. I flushed the toilet so mom and dad wouldn't think something was going on. Since my arm was in a cast i had to "self harm" somewhere else. I took off my pants and sat down and sliced my thigh and it started bleeding. I panicked. Right before I could do anything.. Mom walked in. I was sitting there blood running down my leg with a sharp metal thing in my hand. "Emmi....." Mom says she runs and hugs me. She doesn't care she is getting blood all over her. I start crying. "Mom, I don't know what I did.... Some people at my school were talking about self harm and if you hit a special part you could die. And Avias friend my bully, told me to die." I say in tears. "Emmi I know your growing up and you want to try things your only 10, you need to ask me or you dad." She says keeling down in front of me hold my long gash in my thigh. I pushed her hand of my thigh put my pants back on and climbed into there bed. Them laying next to me on both sides made me feel safe and secure. I loved laying there I wish I could forever.

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