The Attempt

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****EMMI POV****

Right when we got home I ran to the bathroom. I took off all my clothes and looked at myself. I was disgusted, my best friends dad just sexually harassed me. I want to tell my parents but I don't want him to get arrested, and get Lexi taken away. I cry. I open my bag and get out my razors, I cut it open and take out the blades, I cut my stomach over and over.
One for me
One for beating up my sister
2 for my parents
1 for all my siblings
4 for him.
I'm bleeding, all over I get a towel and put my clothes on and, my stomach stopped bleeding and I put the towel in the basket and layed on the floor. And fell asleep.
"Look who fell asleep on the bathroom floor? Lol It's Loofus." Dad said vlogging. "Ugh stop. I had a hard night. I'm tired." I said. Mom came in and picked me up. She put me on the couch. "Babytard? Are you okay? Were you just in the bathroom?" Mom said, dad turning off the camera. I was so tired I didn't even realise what I said "I was cutting... Stomach... And I fell asleep." I turned around and looked at mom. I just realised what I said. Mom tried to lift up my shirt then I had a flash back
"AH NO STOP!" I screamed rising up.
I put my shirt down. Mom was really confused. I shot up and ran to Avias room.
"Hey Av." I said
"Hey, are you okay, you can tell me anything and I won't tell mom and dad."
"Okay." I started crying Avia was 14 so I was trusted her.
"Avia, yesterday I was at Lexi, and her dad was drunk and when I was sleeping." I started to bawl. "Her dad put his hand down my pants and was touching me, then started kissing me." I hugged her profusely. "DONT TELL MON AND DAD! I also have more. I self harm." I show her all my cuts. She just started crying.
"Emmi I love you no matter what."
"That doesn't matter, I don't love me. I want to die more then ever. I have lost respect for myself." I cry
"We have to tell someone!" Avia says
"Then do it now. Or I will." She says looking me dead in the eye.
"Fine." I say

We walk out of her room and mom and dad are in the kitchen.
"Emmi, go ahead."
"Okay, mom, Dad I passed my test!" I said.
"Emmi! Now." Avia screamed
"Mom, dad please, can we go to your room and talk." I said
"Avia watch Daxton." Mom says

"Mommy, Daddy I don't know how to say this but, I was sexually harassed." I start crying and so do mom and dad. They hug me.
"Who was it!? I want to know now!"
Dad screamed "It was Mr. Tetch. He touched my areas and kissed me. That's not all, I-I-I, Never mind." I say
"Tell us. We love you." They say
"I cut myself. On my stomach, wrists and thighs. I'm really sorry." I show them all my cuts. I leave out one part I'm starving myself. My parents don't know what to do. "I'm calling the cops right now!" Mom rages
"NO MOM! PLEASE DONT! THEY DONT NEED TO KNOW! THEY WILL TAKE LEXI AWAY!" I scream trying to grab the phone. Dad grabs my arms and let's mom call the cops. The cops are over at my house in less then 10 minutes. I tell them the story and they leave. I hate my self. I want to die.

Mom and dad put all the kids to bed. At around 2:00 AM I get up and sit in the kitchen crying. "I hate myself" I say over and over again. I want to do it. I want to die. I get a piece of paper and a pen.
Dear My family.
I'm very sorry for everything I put you through. You all don't need me, I just cause pain. You will learn to live with out me. It will probably be better, all I do is cause pain. I'm sorry. It was none of your guys fault. Well you know I'm not going to lie, because if I'm dead I can't be punished. It was your fault. I'm not even treated like a Normal kid. I have all these problems with me. I'm sorry. I just wanted to be accepted.
Emmi Butler.

I walk over to the bathroom I close the door, Avia heard me. "Ugh, what is that!?" I hear Avia say. I have a short amount of time. I grab moms medicine I don't know what for but I know if I take to many it will kill me. I start bawling. "EMMI!? MOM, DAD HELP EMMI IS GONNA KILL HERSELF!" Avia screams. She runs into the bathroom with me. "STOP LET ME DIE!" I scream. She grabs the bottle from me but I grab it back, were sitting there fighting over the bottle. I get one down my throat, then it spills all over the floor. I walk towards her screaming "WHAT DID YOU DO!?" Mom comes running in. She hold me and puts me on the floor. Avia stares at me and starts crying. "I want to die! I want to die!!" I cry laying in my moms arms. "Gavin call 911." Dad says taking me from mom, because mom is bawling her eyes out. I pass out from crying so much.
****SHAYS POV****
Did my daughter, just say she wanted to kill herself. We're riding in the back of an ambulance. I see my lifeless daughter laying on gurney. I can't help it but cry. I hug Colette and we pray. "Dear God, please let our baby girl stay safe. Amen." We arrive at the hospital, and the doctors make us wait. It have been 3 hours since the attempt, if it wasn't for Avia we wouldn't even have Emmi no more. I feel like I failed as a parents. "Mr. And Mrs. Butler, this way please." The doctor says.
"Emmi should be fine. We did some tests the medicine she took shouldn't hurt her it was pain medication she took. When she wakes up, your going to give this medicine 1 every 6 hours for 2 days. They will make her sleepy but that's okay. I also recommend a support groups." The doctor says "Thanks doctor." I say.

****EMMIS POV****

I wake up with mom and dad watching TV.
"What's-what going on? Where am I!?" I say shooting up. "Ugh my head hurts, and I feel dizzy." I say. "That's happens when, yeah never mind. Your at the hospital, you passed out....again. But you get to go home." Dad said trying to be cheerful. I just rolled over and fell back asleep.

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