Passed out

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***EMMI POV***

10 minutes later I walked out of the bathroom, people started at me. I was a freak. "Emmi Butler, were where you!?" The teacher yelled "I was in the nurses." I said she just nodded and pointed to my seat. I kept looking at Tabitha, she didn't look at me once.
I ran to my cubby got all my things and I was the first one on the bus. I was waiting for Tyler but he didn't get on the bus. I sat looking at the window, until my stop. "BYE FREAK! HAVE FUN BEING STUPID!" Someone screamed from the back of the bus. I walked up the drive way, the bus pulled away. "My dad from hell is finally over." I said to myself. Now I have a new problem, "My parents."
All the kids were outside and my dad was inside vlogging. "Emmi should be coming home right now, and I-" he said me opening the door interrupted him "Emmi how- OH MY HEAVES EMMI BUTLER WHAT HAPPENED ARE YOU OKAY." He screamed he dropped the camera, and ran towards me. "Emmi what happened!? I want to know now, COLETTE PLEASE COME IN HERE NOW!!" Dad screamed, "yes honey?" Mom said in her nice voice. Dad moved from being in front of me. She looked terrified. "Oh my, Emmi." She picked me up and sat me on the counter. I just started crying. "Avia's friend Tabitha, beat me up twice today. The first time she beat me up in class and the second time at recess. She pushes me and I fell on the concrete and then my chin opened and started gushing blood then she slammed my head up against the concrete when she got up and then she started kicking me." I burst out. My lip and nose had dry blood my eye was swollen almost shut, I had bruises all over my body. I lifted up my shirt to where she kick me. Bruised all over. Mom took the three band-aids of my chin. "Honey! That need stitches!" Mom cried. "Shay, go get the kids we have to go to the hospital." Mom said. My chin started gushing blood again. She help a rag up to my chin while she sat in the back seat holding me. "Mom what's going on?" Gavin said as they good in the car. Dad was putting Brock and Daxton in their car seats. "Mom I am I can't-" I passed out. The last thing I heard was "I love you Emmi." I didn't know who said it.

"HELP! My daughter she passed out, I think from blood loss." I cried "What happened! She looks like she was in a fight!" The doctor said taking Emmi from my hands putting her on a gurney. A bunch of nurses came in. They took her away. The kids and I and Shay stood in a circle hugging each other. The kids where crying because they didn't know what happened.

"Mommy, is Emmi going to be okay, and what happened." Avia said.
"Well Avia, your friend Tabitha was beating up Emmi. She beat her up twice today. She did some horrible things. She cracked Emmis chin and it wouldn't stop bleeding so she passed out." I said
I just hugged Avia while she was crying.

****EMMIS POV****

I woke up in the hospital, where I had tubes in my nose something covering my swollen eye. I had an IV in my arm. I was really sore. I had bandages on my arms "Dad, what happened." I spoke out softly. "SHE IS AWAKE!!" Brock screamed. "Brock. Be softer." Dad said. He came over a sat on a chair. "Emmi you passed out, and the hospital fixed you! You were out for about 2 hours." Dad said. The hospital said that they were going to release you when you woke up." Dad said getting up, walking to get a nurse. "Emmi, I'm really sorry, I didn't know that would happen. I wish it was me and not you. I love you, seeing you right now in this position is heart breaking." Avia said about to cry. Mom started to cry. "Mom, Avia stop crying all I did was get beat up and pass out. I didn't like get hit by a car." I said, Avia laughed. She hugged me. Dad came in with two nurses they took out my IV and my nose tubes, they handed my clothes which I could no longer were cause they cut them of my body. They sat my down the the wheelchair. Dad pushed me. I let Daxton sit on my lap. I got in the car and so did everyone else. "Emmi can I vlog?" Dad said I nodded my head yes. "Hey guys so Emmi fell down a busted her chin open. She got 15 stitches and she passed out. So I'm sorry if this blog is going to be late, because Emmi got hurt." He stopped recording. "Who is up for food!?" Dad said in his happily cheerful voice. "Emmi?" Mom said "dad can you drop me at home and get me something I would like? My head hurts." I said. "Yeah sure thing baby girl." Dad dropped me and mom off. He took the rest of the kids. Mom started to pick me up but I restited "mom! I can walk by my self I'm fine." I said. Mom just held my hand she helped me walk up the up the stairs to the door. She opened the door, and there were banners that said WELCOME HOME EMMI! I wasn't gone for that long lol. Braliee came up to me and said "Hi! Where is Avia?" That made me sad. "She is with my dad." I said. She walked away and I walked upstairs to my room. I layed on my bed. And fell asleep.

***2 hours later Emmis pov***

"Wow, she actually has a voice" *punch*
"What did you do? You were born." *kick*
"AHHHHH" I screamed rising up from my bed.

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