The truth

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****NEXT DAY****
Emmis POV:
Mom is woke me up and brought me clothes. "Hey baby girl how is your arm?" "Good, hurts really bad." I got dressed and me an Avia sat on different sides of the tables. I ate my food and mom drove us to school. She waved and we got out and walked "Avia can you help me?" She ignored me. Gavin helped me. We walked in and those girls came again. "Can I sign your cast?" They said I was surprised but I said sure. They signed "GET A LIFE AND STOP RUNING YOUR SISTERS DUMB BRAT!" They laughed and walked away. I just help my head up high because this wasn't a real one. Two hours later mom came and picked me up and stated vlogging. "Mom please don't! They will make fun." She looked confused, she stopped and we got in the car. We rode in silence until I said "mom does you love me as much as Avia? Because the other day you woke us up and told her something and not me. I felt bad." She didn't say anything. "Emmi, I love you I thought you were asleep, I'm sorry. I didn't know I hurt you." "It's okay" I said she turned up Dave Ramsey and we listened. We walked in the doctor office and they greeted me. They took my weight my height. They came in right away I got a pink cast. They put the full arm cast on. "Wow it feels weird I can't bend my arm." My mom picked me up and we checked out.

***AT HOME***
Emmis POV:

We were at the dinner table when Brock was touching and playing with my cast. I looked at Avia and mouthed. I'm sorry. She didn't take it. I couldn't take it. I stood up fast that my chair my feel backwards "MOM DAD AVIA DIDNT PUSH ME, BROCK DID. I was still mad at Avia when it happened, so I blamed it on her." I started to cry I was really embarrassed. I ran out the door and down the trail. I stopped right in the middle between our house and Caseys house. I cried and cried. Mom and dad came running out with flashlights. "Emmi! Why didn't you tell the truth. You got Avia in trouble. You made us lose trust with Avia." They said. "CANT YOU LEAVE AVIA OUT OF ANYTHING! I JUST WANTED TO BE THE STAR AVIA THIS AVIA THAT AVIA AVIA AVIA AVIA!!!" I screamed.

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