Elliot and Emmi sitting in a tree

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"Shay!" I screamed across the house. "Yes cutie?" Shay said running to me. "Emmi needs a baby shower!" I said. "Totally!" Shay said. "Well let's get planning!" I said. "We need to invite people, How about Carlie, Steve, Kayli, Casey, Our parents Logan and his girlfriend (sorry I forgot her name), my siblings and Gavin and Avia." I said. "Perfect, I'll call them right away. Actually I'll just make a giant group chat." Shay said going on his phone.
"Hey guys! We are throwing a surprise baby shower for Emmi! We are going to do it at our house. We are throwing it in 3 days. It will start at 2:30 until 4:30! Hope you can make it!" Shay texted. "Okay! Let's go get presents and supplies!" I said. We got Brock and Daxton in the car and went to the store. "Mom, can me and Daxton get Emmi a present?" Brock said. "Sure baby!" I said. We parked and got a cart and went in. We got supplies and presents. We bought our item and left. We got home and Shay put the presents in the closet and the supplies in our room. "I'm so happy baby." I said hugging Shay. "Me to." Shay said.

My beautiful girlfriend was making us a sandwhich. I came in with some flowers. "Hey gorgeous!" I said handing her the flowers. She gasped. "Oh my thank you so much!" She said and then kissed me. I knelt down and kissed the baby. "Thank you for letting me help raise the baby boy. I know I won't be the biological father, but I'm going to treat him like mine." I said hugging her. "In thankful for you wanting to help me." She said. I love Emmi. God blessed me and her. "Well! Let's take these sandwhichs to the park! Your my lunch date!" I said. "Haha okay!" She said. We packed the food and got in the car. "Hey baby." She said. "Yes?" I said.
"You know my family used to vlog there life." She said. "I know, the Shaytards! I watched you guys everyday." I said. She looked at me and smiled. "Really?" She said. "Yes really! You were babytard. I always thought you were gorgeous." I said. "Why, thank you." She said blushing. I parked the car and we got out. We walked to a pretty spot and I layed a blanket down and sat down. "This is nice." I said "it is." Emmi said.
I was going to do. Marry the love of my life.
"Emmi, Emmi Butler. I love you a lot, I really think we are meant for each other. When I go to work I think of you. When I come home and see you I smile and I can't stop. It is my mission to make you happy. I don't want anyone else but you. *kneels down on one knee* Emmi, will you marry me?" I said smiling. "Oh my gosh! Yes! Yes!" I said starting to cry. People started to cheer. We hugged then we kissed. "I love you." I said putting the ring on her ring finger. "I love you to!" She said.

Elliot just proposed to me and I'm so happy. I can't believe it. "We should go tell your parents!" Elliot said. "Uh yeah sure!" I said.

I took a day off of work to go shopping and go to Emmis parents house.

*knock Knock*
"Elliot! How are you!" Shay said.
"I'm doing great! And you?" I said.
"Great!" Shay said. "May I come in?" I said. "Yes please." Shay said. I walked and closed the door behind me. "So what do you need Elliot?" Shay said. "I would like to ask you and Colette a question." I said shaking. "Totally!" Shay said. "Colette Elliot is here!" Shay screamed. Colette came down the stairs. "Hey Elliot. What do you need?" Colette said. "I would like to ask you if I can have your daughters hand in marriage." I said shaking. Shay and Colette looked at each other. "Well young man. You are very polite. And I think you would make a great husband and dad. I would be homered if you did." Colette said. "I agree" Shay said.

We got in the car and drove to my parents. We pulled up and got out. We walked up and knocked on the door. It was quiet. "Come in!" I heard Brock say. We walked in and the lights were off. I turned them on and
"SURPRISE!" People screamed popping up. "Oh my gosh! A baby shower!?" I said tearing up. There was a banner that said "Congratulations Elliot and Emmi!" My mom came up and hugged me. "Avia! Gavin!" I screamed. "Hey Baby sister!" Avia and Gavin said hugging me. I hugged everyone and Elliot met everyone.
There was 20 minutes left and I wanted to tell everyone. "Guys! I have an announcement to make!" I screamed. Everyone went quite and looked at me. "Me and Elliot are getting married!" I said everyone cheered. Mom and dad started crying. "Congratulations baby girl!" Dad said. "Elliot! Welcome to the family!" Dad said. "When is the wedding?" Mom said. "Well in a month or so!" I said.
"Congratulations." Gavin said hugging me. "Gavin, Avia. I missed you guys so much. It means a lot that you guys came." I said hugging them.

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