4 Months

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****EMMI POV****
It has been 3 months and the movie was finished filming. Avia, Gavin, Brock, Daxton left with dad to go home they all got homesick and started to cry, they left during the second month. I get to leave today.
"MOM LETS GO I WANNA GO HOME!! I don't want to be late!" I screamed
"Oh my Emmi calm down." Mom said giggling calling jack. "Hey Jack! Take us to the airport?" Mom said
Jack got here and we got in the jeep "hey guys where leaving Hawaii! We still can't tell you why we were here. Maybe in a couple more months." Mom said turning off the camera. She hugged me "good job." She said kissing me. We got the airport "bye Jack I'll miss you!" I said leaving the car into the airport. "Mom I'm going to miss Hawaii." I said tearing up. We got in and checked our luggage. "BABYTARD!!!!" Someone screamed running up to me. "Uhm! That's me!" I said, they were shaytard fans. They hugged me and my mom. "We love you so much! You guys changed my life. Especially you babytard." They said getting a picture with me and my mom. "Bye!" I screamed. We got all our luggage packed and got on the plane.

******SHAYS POV******
"Hey guy! Mom and Emmi should be landing in 30 minutes, we should go surprise them! We could hide in Colettes car, since it's snowing and it won't be cold." I said
"How would we get in the car?" Avia said with a sassy tone. "Well sassy mic sassy pants.We have more then one key. Well we have to leave now!" I screamed getting all the kids in there snow coats and snow boots. It was a long drive to the airport but when we got there I immediately say Colettes car. I parked the truck and got al the kids out. We ran to the car and unlocked it. "Hey guys! We're going to surprise Colette and Babytard, we're going to hide in Colettes car and then scream surprise!" I said vlogging. "I could see Colette and Babytard walking to the car. "Get ready guys!" I said vlogging. Colette opened the trunk and didn't see us. "Okay Emmi ready to go home?" Colette said
"YES!" Emmi screamed they opened the door and "SURPRISE!!!" We all screamed. All the kids got out and hugged Emmi and Colette. Colette started crying.
"Why you crying? My super hot wife." I said
"I'm so happy! I missed you so much. And you drove all the war here and hid in my car." Colette said hugging me.
"Let's go home!" Emmi screamed. We got in my car and Colette and Emmi and Avia went in Colettes car and the boys went in the truck.
I start camp in 3 days because I didn't want to stay home all day.
Right when we got home I ran and hugged Zeke and ran straight to my bedroom. I went pee. Then I saw the blades just right there. I needed to do just one. So I did it. I cut. One time on my wrist. It's felt really good, it opened some of the other cuts. But I had band aids so they didn't bleed bleed everywhere. I layed on my bed and hugged it. I looked around my room. Man did I miss my room. I went downstairs and everyone was still hugging and saying I miss you and stuff. "EMMI YOUR WRIST" Avia had to scream "WHAT WHAT WHAT IS THERE A BUG!?" I said violently shaking my wrist which got blood everywhere. "Oh...." I said doing a fake giggle, when I put the band aid on it didn't quite cover the cut. at that point mom and shooed everyone out of the room. "Emmi, why? Everything was going so good?" Mom said "I just-I wanted- I don't know it felt good. And my blades where just right there. So I grabbed one and did it. I'm sorry. I know I have been 4 months clean." I said looking down. Mom got a wet towel and put it on my wrist. "Emmi. I love you, but I want you to go upstairs and give me your box. And if I find one blade. Emmi I will ground you. And take away going outside and going to gymnastics for 2 weeks." She said with a firm voice. "UGH WHATEVER!" I screamed running upstairs to get my box. I grabbed but kept 2. I got them under my mattress in my room. "Here." I said not making eye contact. "I'm going to go to sleep I'm tired" I walked over to the couch and fell asleep.

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