Oh my.

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****SHAYS POV*****
"What are we screaming about!" Dad said vlogging. "I GOT-you can't vlog this!" Emmi said
"OKAY BYE GUYS!" I screamed
Avia and Gavin came down
"So a movie producer saw me in the shaytard vlog. He got our number i don't know how. Called us and ASKED ME!!" Emmi screamed!!
My daughter going to be in a movie? Oh my gosh. Thank you God! A turning point! "I'm so happy! So are we going to do it?" I said
"Well, it shoots in Hawaii. And we have to be there in 2 weeks.." Colette said
"HAWAII!! OH MY GOSH! IM SO HAPPY!!" Emmi screamed.
"We don't have to worry about school. How long is the shoot for?" I asked
"They said for about at least 3 months." Colette said.
"Are we going to live in a hotel for 3 months? Wait! We can live in a condo for a little bit. We can have Kayli and Casey watch our house and dogs for us." I said
"When do I find out what I'm playing? And my lines?" Emmi said.
"The guy said he would email us and fly us down to Hawaii. They were going to pay for the hotel. Not the condo." Colette said. "That's okay. We can pay for it."
"LETS GO PACK!" Emmi screamed
They all ran to there rooms.
"This is really happening." I said hugging Colette.
****EMMIS POV****
"OMG IM GOING TO BE IN A MOVIE!! IM GOING TO BE FAMOUS!" I screamed. "I'm going to wear this and this and this and this this this this and this!!!" I screamed. They were skirts and shorts and tank tops. Avia came with all her clothes. We packed everything we would need.

****2 WEEKS LATER****
During the last week I got my script I loved it. I kept going to therapy dad started uploading regularly. Everything was starting back again. I was happy.
I memorized all my lines. I had so many but I did it. I'm playing a girl who is abused and goes through ups and down. She finds surfing as something to get her mind off the bad things. Then one day she enters a big surfing competition and wins and becomes famous. It's based on a true story (not really I made it up)
"GUYS YOU READY TO GO! Our plane leaves in 3 hours!" Dad screamed vlogging.
"Mom I'm so happy." I told mom.
We got to the airport and we got all our luggage checked for 3 months. I'm sad and happy. We had a long plane ride but I fell asleep most of the time.
"Oh my gosh oh my gosh!! Look! That our name!" I screamed grabbing dad. There was sign that said "butlers" on it.
I walked up to the guy wearing a tux and a black hat "Hi! I'm Emmi Butler!" I said to the man. He kneeled down
"Hello. Ms. Emmi butler. I'm Jack. I will be you and your family's transportation while your here." He said with a smile.
"Mr. and Mrs. Butler were are we heading?" Jack said.
"We are heading to Lily Condos." Mom said
We drove to our condo. I'm so happy, "what if I'm not good enough what if I get scared. What if." I said to myself.
"Here we are! Lily condos." Jack said
We got out and checked in. We walked to our villa and opened the door and it looked like a house. It was huge and beautiful, we are right in the beach.
"Oh my gosh mom! This is so cool!" I screamed. "We have 3 hours until we have to be on set. Want to go swimming before we have to go Emmi?" Mom said.
"Wait, just you and me? What about every one else?" I said
"They don't want all the kids on set. They don't want anything messed up." Mom said hugging me.
"That's okay! We don't have to go! We can go swimming!" Avia screamed.
"Hey guys! We're in Hawaii and something popped up and I can't say! Let's just say where going to be here for 3 months! The vlogs might be a little shorter." Dad said vlogging
"Right now we're going to the beach!" Brock screamed
I ran into the bathroom and changed into my swimsuit. It looked great on me except you can see my cuts, I didn't really care. I ran out and did a sassy walk.
"You look great babydoll." Mom said everyone else was changed. Ever since I had cut, I'm not comfortable changing infront of anyone but mom. "LETS GO TO THE BEACH!!" Avia screamed. We all started running out with our beach things. Avia was the first one to get in the water. Mom and dad put our stuff down not to far from the water, Gavin and Avia went boogie boarding. I had gotten a surfboard so I could start practicing. My dad helped me because I needed it.
"Dad I'm tired I don't want to surf anymore I have been doing it for two hours I have to go back to the room and get ready. I motioned mom to come on. "Come on mom! I want to look great!" I screamed she laughed. We got back to the villa and I took a shower. I got dressed I was wearing a summer dress that was blue and white sandals, mom curled my hair and put mascara on me. I had pink lipgloss on. I looked great.
"Emmi Loofus you look great!" Mom said vlogging. I laughed "thanks mama!" I giggled.
"I'll call jack." Mom said
"Hey jack it's The butlers. We need to go to set."
"I'm on my way." He said
We waited 10 minutes and he got here and picked us up in his jeep. It was a 30 minute drive to the set. "Come on mom! They are waiting on the star! Haha" I screamed running inside
"Emmi Butler! I'm so glad you could make it! I just want you to know you wish is our command!" A nice man in kinda baggy and kinda nice clothes said. "Today your going to meet everyone that's going to be in the cast. And we're going to do a reading." He said.
"Follow me to your trailer." He says taking us to our trailer. "Emmi Butler" the door said. "10 minutes till we have to be at the reading." Mom said hugging me.
10 minutes passed and I was ready sitting at the table with everyone around me they were so cool. They said I was gorgeous a good singer and actress, some of them even watched me on the shaytards. After the reading there was a party. And it was so fun.
I started to feel a pain at my lower stomach and it felt like needles were stabbing me. I already knew what was happening, my period was starting, I ran to mom and grabbed her to the side. "Mom! We have to go home. I started!" I said in a panic holding my stomach.
"Oh my, okay I'll call jack." Mom said.
"Oh don't worry, I'm outside. Come on I'll take you home." Jack said.
Mom let me sit on her jacket. I felt incredibly bad. "Ow mom. It's hurts so bad!" I whispered. She just hugged me. She dialed my dads phone number "Hey Shay were on our way home. Emmi wasn't feeling good and I'll tell you why." Mom said into the phone she hung up and I just looked out the window. "Why me. Why now!" I whispered. We got home and mom helped me walk because I was in so much pain. "EMMIIIII HOW WAS IT WHAT DID YOU!? WAS THERE ANY HOT GUYS!?" Avia screamed jumping on me. "Avia stop! I started my period! It hurts!" I went to my room in the villa and layed on the bed.
*****AVIA POV*****
Emmi started her period BEFORE ME!? I'm older! UGH! "MOM HOW COME SHE STARTED AND NOT ME! IM OLDER!" I screamed stomping into her room. Emmi looked like she was in a lot of pain because she was crying. I calmed myself down and went to the living room. "Dad can I talk to you? I have a question I don't know if you. An answer it or not." I said
"Yeah sure baby!" He hugged me and put me on his lap.
"Emmi is 11 and she started. I'm 14 and I haven't and many of my friends have. *sigh* I want to. I feel really left out." I said as mom walked in. "Hey baby what are you talking about?" Mom said sitting on the bed. "I want to start my period. But MY STUPID BODY SAYS NO!" I basically shouted
"Haha Avia calm down. You are lucky, Emmi is in so much pain right now. You should love it while it lasts. It hurts badly. Trust me. Your lucky." Mom said kissing my forehead. "I love you guys. I'm really lucky to have you guys. CAN WE GO TO THE POOL!" I screamed. Then Gavin came running in "YEAH èPOOL!" "Ugh, fine. You guys are lucky I love you!" Dad said jokingly. We all got in our swimsuits and left.
****EMMIS POV****
I seriously thought I was dying. The pain was terrible. Then the medicine to help the pain kicked in. I felt better. "Mom I'm hungry. I want something sugary." I said
"I can give you a sugar packet." Mom said laughing. "Wow thanks mom." I said giggling. "Mom, will I still be babytard? Your baby?" I said looking her dead in the eye. "Of course why wouldn't you be?" Mom said looking at me. "Because when I was at school we had a "lesson" and they said if you started your not a kid. And I'm only 11, that's young... Right?" I said tearing up. "That's not right. Your always going to be my baby. And I will ALWAYS love you." Mom said hugging me.
"Thanks mom I really needed to hear that." I said laying down.
I feel straight asleep. I didn't care. I fell asleep and hear everyone come in. I try to block them out. I just want to get to sleep at this point. So I fall asleep and Gavin has the nerve to come and ask "is it scary having a period? Does it hurt? Are you scared?" At this point I'm in suck a bad mood I snap. "YES, NO, AND YES! DONT ASK ME THOSE IN TIRED AND SLEEPY! I JUST WANT TO SLEEP FOR GOD SAKES! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Oh no. "You didn't need to yell. Sorry." Gavin said leaving my room.

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