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***EMMI POV***
I layed in my bed looking at my arm. "Why did I do that, I have to tell someone." I whispered to myself. I got out of bed and went in to the kitchen. "Mom I have to show you something, promise your wont freak out or yell?" I said looking at her. "Sure baby what is it?" She said. I lifted up my sleeve and showed her. She just gasped and covered her mouth. "When did you do this?" She said "a couple of days ago in the shower." I started to cry. "I'm sorry." I said hugging her. "It's okay. Don't worry. How deep did you cut?" My mom said looking at it. "Not to deep. I didn't want to have the scar forever. So I lightly cut, in promise." I said. "It's okay. I still and always will love you." Mom hugged me. I felt good I went into the basement and went to Daxton. "Hey buddy!" I said "Hi Emmi! We should play!" He said hugging me. "Superman?" I said "super man!" I layed on my back and put my feet in the air. He got on them. And we laughed and smiled. I loved Daxton.

***3 months later***
My arm heeled and I still go to school, but my schedule was changed so I don't see Tabitha. I still get bullied but it isn't as bad. "Bye mom!" I said getting on the bus to school. It was a fast drive.we pulled up to school when someone behind me pushed me down the stairs of the bus. "Hahah loser!" They said. My stuff went all over the place. They picked it up and threw it all of the school. "What the heck!?" I screamed. My anger was going to my mouth to my fist. I stood up and whacked the guy. He fell straight to the ground. Everyone ran away from me. I turned around and the principal was right behind me. I grabbed my bag and took my friend Ashley's bike and rode off from school. "BUTLER! GET BACK HERE! IM CALLING YOUR PARENTS!" The principal screamed as I rode of school property. I rode my bike for a good 3 hours. My legs were killing me. I pulled over on the side of the rode. I climbed up a mountain with the bike. This was a mountain dad runs on. My phone was blowing up with texts and call from my parents. I just turned off my phone. I walked up when I saw Logan, "Emmi? What are you doing here?" He said. I didn't open my mouth. I just got on the bike and rode down the hill. I kept riding for another 3 hours. It was now 5 and I was some park. I sat down and some person sat next to me. "Hey Emmi." I turned to look and it was my kidnapper from 4 years ago. I quickly stood up "what are you doing here? You got arrested!" I screamed. "Shh! Keep your voice down. I escaped. I came looking for you." He stood up and started kissing me. "Stop!" I said. He grabbed my arm and tried to take me. He shoved me in the bathroom and locked the door, "I love you, you love me" he said taking off my clothes. "STOP!" I screamed I started crying. Before I knew it we were having sex. "Why me!" I screamed. I quickly pulled his hair. I put of my clothes he grabbed my waist and pushed me against a tree. He held a knife to my neck. "Come with me or you won't see your family." He said. "No!" I grabbed the knife and threw it. I jumped on my bike he chased after me. I dialed moms number on my phone. "MOM MOM MOM IM SAFE JUST COME MEET ME! MY KIDNAPPER IS CHASING ME! IM AT SUNSET PARK! 6 HOURS FROM THE HOUSE!" I screamed in the phone I rode faster and faster. Finally his car ran out of gas and his car stopped. I kept riding. I looked back and *BAM!* I was hit by a car. It was mom. "EMMI! OH MY GOSH! ARE YOU OKAY!?!" Mom said hugging me. "Yeah yeah! Get in the car and take me home." I said we got in the car and started to cry. "I'm so so sorry! I punched my bully and I knocked him out, I panicked so I left, I saw Logan so I freaked out and rode again. Then I stopped at Sunset Park and my kidnapper Ted, escaped out of Prison saying he was looking for me! The he tried to kidnap me and he held a knife to my throat and I grabbed it threw it and ran. Then he chased me and his car broke down! Call the police!" I screamed trying to catch my breathe. Mom called the police and told them were he was. We drove home in silence.

****EMMI POV****
It has been a couple months since I ran away and was raped. I feel like I'm going to throw up a lot, I started getting a stomach. I haven't gotten my period so I knew I was pregnant. "Mom I'm going to walk to the super market." I said. I got my bike and went to the store I grabbed pregnancy tests I payed for them and left. I rode back home and. went straight to the bathroom. I opened the test and peed on the stick I waited a couple of minutes and two lines came back, I was pregnant. "Oh shit oh no oh no no no no!" I screamed. "What do I do !?" I freaked out pacing back and forward. "Emmi you okay in there?" Dad said. "No I'm not!" I screamed. "Why what's wrong?" Dad said I opened the door, looked him straight in the eyes and said. "I'm pregnant."

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