Part 1

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Hola! New fanfic, a heap different to the other one!!! :) It's an Ashton one, yay :) SO, we hope you enjoy it... Bye xo Oh and this one is mainly going to be Bethany's POV to make it easier!!

****Bethany's POV****

I unplugged my earphones from my iPod and shoved them both in to my front pocket of my school bag. I pulled my phone out of my school blazer pocket and checked the time, 8;25am. School started in five minutes and I still had to get books. Deciding to not be late on my second day back I started a slow jog towards my locker, my hair flapping in front of my eyes, I picked up the speed once everyone was in homeroom. I wasn't looking where I was and I crashed into a tall build and strong chest.

"I'm so sorr- oh it's you.. never mind" The male voice said angrily.

"Aren't you such a l-anky shit, go annoy someone else Ashton" I growled shoving past him purposely elbowing his torso.

"Oi watch it Bethany" He yelled rubbing where I hit him. I snickered to myself mentally applausing my actions.

Ashton Irwin, was that cocky, handsome, oh-so-charming, retard that everyone loved, including the teachers. He has made my life hell since year 9, he hated me. The problem is, I am unbelievably and completely in love with him.

I stormed out of Homeroom, my previous run in with Ashton bothering me, in to my first class of the day, English. Of course the one person I wished wasn't in the class, I happened to sit beside him.

I sat in my seat chatting to my best friend Kendra who sat across the room when the devil himself came strutting into the room himself, followed by Michael and Calum, two his band mates and best friends. I smiled when I caught Michael's eye, we had always been close, he grinned back at me and sat in his seat at the front of the class. Calum sat on the opposite side of Ashton and waved at me slightly before turning his attention to the teacher who just entered the classroom. I took a sneak look at Ashton who was already staring at me. My heart fluttered at the thought of his greeny brown eyes on me, then I realised, it was a look of pure hatred.


"So the pairs for the project on Romeo and Juliet are Calum and Kendra, Michael and Daniel, Luke and Conor, Saoirse and Mark, Neya and Harley, Jess and Karen, Jackson and Bethany..." I sighed when I heard my name get called out "Bethany Morris," I groaned, Bethany Morris was the other Bethany. "Macey and Darcy, Adam and Emily, Ella and Freeyah, Ava and Alex, Ashton and.... Bethany Jerold" I let out a big groan and put my head into my hands. I could hear Ashton protest but all I was thinking about was spending three weeks with Ashton, on my own, making it hard to 'hate' him.

Class dragged by and at the end I had come up with many ways to avoid Ashton,

"Beth oh my god Beth Beth Beth" I could hear Kendra shout to me as I walked to the next class. I turned around and smiled weakily at my black haired blue eyed best friend who was running up to me.

"Are you okay? You're working with Ashton, it's going to be impossible for you to hate him now!" She whisper yelled.

"I'm fine, it's just a project, no biggie" I smiled reassuringly. She nodded before linking our arms walking us to Geography.

"Yo, Bethany" A familiar voice called. I turned to see Ashton leaning against a locker.

"What do you want?" I sighed. I fixed his floppy blonde hair and sighed

"Are you able to start working on this project today? I have band prac tonight and tomorrow so" He stated. I thought about it, the sooner we got it done, the better. I nodded a small bit and looked up at him, his beautiful eyes sparkling. Wait what? No Bethany no. He smiled a genuine smile at me before walking off. My gaze followed him as he walked off. He really was beautiful.

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