- ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ -

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- 3rd Person POV -

The heat coming from the sun was hitting her face, but she couldn't care less. The chirping coming from the birds flying above the sky was the only sound she's hearing together with the sound of the wind that was making her hair bounce back and forth.

She breathe the fresh air, as she was currently leaning under the tree. Her pink hair was covering her face now, so she decided to make it in a high ponytail.

"How are you, it's been a while"

She felt the pang on her chest, she feels like she was running out of breath. It was like someone was gripping her neck making her unable to breathe normally and she was suffocating while slowly dying.

That was Jinni's feeling right now after she let out those words that come from her mouth.

It was also the time, the memories she buried deep inside her heart, slowly pop up in her mind like a roller coaster. The memories she keeps going on to forget started to haunt her head like a nightmare. The pain, the misery, the loss, the sadness, and the loneliness, all started to flew down her veins like a wildfire in a dark forest.

"It's your fault, Jinni! It all happened because of you, and you're reckless decision!"

"Haven't I told you that you must not go outside the house unless I told you to?! "

"Now look what happened Jinni, look! She died because of you!"

"Don't you ever forget what happened, don't live a peaceful life Jinni, you deserve to suffer!"

"You deserved to be hated, I regretted you as my daughter!"

"Don't let yourself come near me, don't you ever dare stand in front of me with a smile on your face, you are cursed of the family!"

"From now on, you're not my daughter anymore, get out of my sight!"

She moved her head up above, seeing the sky with clouds everywhere that represents a bright mood, Jinni felt was the opposite of it.

She felt a pain, a pain that was making her heart slowly break into pieces. Her head was pounding, as she keeps preventing herself not to letting out a single water drop in her eyes.

"It's crazy, right? The person who's at fault for everything that happened is currently sitting near you're grave now, that's insane" she let out a bitter laugh, yet a sad one.

It's all her fault, it all happened because of her. If only it didn't happen at all...

"If only I am an obedient daughter, will everything turn out well and better for all of us?"

But of course, she isn't an obedient daughter but a selfish one. A selfish one who's only thinking about herself, not giving a business to the people around her. Maybe her father was right, after all, maybe she was indeed a curse of the family...

"Why am I even having the guts to come here? Supposedly, I have no right to even give a glimpse of you're grave, not your name, not a picture, not even everything that's related to you",

She keeps gritting her teeth, stopping herself to cry. She has no right to even cry in front of her, maybe she even has no right at everything she's doing right now... But Jinni is a human, after all, she just can't do anything she wants... Because the thing she wanted herself to do, only making her do the opposite...

"I miss you, mom"

And with that, those words finally let out of her mouth in a shaky voice. She's ashamed, she has no right to say she missed her mom so badly, but she just can't help herself not to say those words that are lingering on her mind.

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