Chapter 12

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I said everything to liam about zayn, how we coincidentally met, about my paintings drawn by Zayn, how we have some sort of a connection and how he took care of me.

"I never felt anything like this before for any guy!" I buried my face in my hands when I finally stopped crying.

"Have you ever saw me crying and sobbing like this liam?" I questioned my voice came hoarse coz of crying.

"Nah! I know you as this charming beautiful naughty girl who never act like a girl. But I still can't believe about those paintings and photographs! Can this even happen?" He was confused about everything I said him.

"You know liam at first even I declined to believe it but the fact is, it is real. You don't believe me come here I'll show you all the photographs I took." I stood up and liam followed me to my bedroom.

I quickly switched on my laptop and searched for every photographs of zayn. I show him every pictures and his eyes opened wide in disbelief.

"Oh My God! Evie you were absolutely right. Does this same thing happened with him? I mean are you sure wasn't he stalking you?" He questioned his eyes still glued on the pictures of zayn.

"Yes it happened with him too he is an Artist I saw a room full of my paintings! And no he wasn't stalking me. When I found out about this" I pointed towards the photos and continued "my first question was the same that he was stalking me but I was wrong."

"Oh okay. So you miss him now right?" He asked out of the blues.

"Truly speaking yes. I feel like I lost a part of me. I cried the whole time I was in plane. I never cried this much in my life!" I complained.

"What if he is going through the same feelings? Coz if there is a connection between you two, you both will be feeling the same thing." He said shifting his gaze from me towards the photos.

"Yeah maybe!" I whispered and switched of my laptop.

"I guess it's late we should probably sleep now." I suggested.

"Yeah I'll sleep in prim's room alright?" He stood up but I stopped him.

"Can you please stay here?" I hope he doesn't mind after all we are like brother and sister!

"Is that okay with you?" He asked.



"Good Night liam!"

"Good Night Evie!" I turned the lights off and we both fell asleep.


"You sleepyhead wake up! Haven't seen you like in ages." I heard a girl yelling and jumping on top of my bed waking me up like maniac!

"Let me sleep!" I groaned pulling the sheets over my face.

"No time to sleep c'mon wake up!" Once again the same voice yelled.

I ignored her and try to fall asleep again. After few minutes of silence someone pulled away my sheets and threw me off the bed, I hit the floor and quickly came to my senses.

"Prim!" I shouted at her.

"What! You were not waking up so I decided to wake you up in my style." She argued.

"Ugh!" I stood up and went towards the bathroom.

"How are you and how was your journey to London?" She asked standing at the door of the bathroom.

"Yeah it was good how about you?" I quickly brushed my teeth's and washed my face.

"Well I am great. Did you missed me?" She asked following me back to my bedroom.

Perfectly Incomplete (Zayn Malik AU)Where stories live. Discover now