Chapter 5

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"What do you mean?" I was so confused. I can't understand this guy!

"If you don't mind come with me, you will understand everything better if you see it yourself."

"Why will I come with you? You can be a murderer!" I said.

"Okay your wish then." He shrugged and turned around leaving me stunned for a second before I weighted the possibility of him being a murderer.

I don't know but for some reason I felt that there was a connection between us and I can trust him. God please don't let this be the last day of my existence on earth.

"Wait" I yelled before running where he was. Thankfully he stopped and I reached him. Ah that was a lot of running.

"Lets go!" I said while standing beside him. God please I hope I don't regret going with him.

"Okay." I followed behind him. He was having a car. Cool! I sat in his car and he started driving to where I think his house.

"What's your name?" I asked after few minutes of silence.

"Zayn." he said softly. Why didn't I noticed how beautiful his voice is. Still he is stupid.

"And yours?" He asked.

"It's Evelyn." I said feeling nervous because this was the first time I was with someone as sexy as him.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"My home." He said.

"Were you really stalking me?" I quietly questioned.

"No" was the only thing he said and there was a long silence till we reached at his place.

His house was really amazing and huge. We went on the second floor. He asked me to stand outside the door while he went inside. Maybe he was just keeping his things or private stuffs properly. Mens! I scrunched up my nose.

"Come in." He yelled from the other side of the door and I opened the door entering the room.

"Jesus!" The walls of the room were painted with graffiti. My eyes nearly popped out when I saw all the paintings that were beautifully placed in the room but what shocked me more was that all the paintings were mine. The paintings were so beautifully painted as if someone professional did it himself and poured his heart out in it. Just wow.

"I love to paint. I made this room as my painting room or you can say an art room and this are all my paintings and work as you can see." He gestured the walls. Wait! Did he paint all this?

"B-But how can you paint someone you don't even know heck you didn't even met or saw!" I stuttered out.

"I don't know but whatever comes in my mind I just paint it and it's just you." He said looking at me with an emotion I can't make out.

"I think there is a connection between us."

"Yeah! I feel the same." He said.


{Edited on 23rd March 2016}

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