Chapter 7

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It was nine by the time I reached home. Niall was bored so we both were together the whole day. Then it hit me, I swore loudly. I forgot to call Evelyn, it totally slipped out of my mind. I quickly searched for my phone and the card she gave me. I found it and quickly added her number and than pressed the call button.

"Hey! Evelyn its me Zayn. I forgot to call you early." I spoke as soon as she answered.

"Its okay zayn." her sweet voice answered.

"I hope I didn't disturbed you." I spoke hesitantly.

"No its really okay. You didn't disturbed me. In fact I was just thinking about you."

"About me?"

"No I mean I was going through all the photographs and was thinking about your painting of mine, you know what I mean." She started rumbling which made me smile.

"Okay. So have you seen London's tourist and most beautiful places or you still have to explore more?" I asked hoping she will tell me to show her some of the places here. I want to spent maximum time with her although we will be apart in two days. It feels like I know her from ages. I don't know there is just something about her which attracts me.

"Ya I almost visited most of the famous places here but I want to see every part of this place I don't want to miss anything as I don't know when will I come again." She spoke.

"Evelyn why don't you come with me I mean I can show you every part of this place you'll love it. If you don't have any problem we can go together tomorrow?"

"I don't have any problem." She answered.

"So I'll be waiting for you at maybe eight in the morning near your hotel if that's fine with you?"

"Yes no problem."

"Okay then see you tomorrow. Have a Good night Evelyn."

"Good night zayn." She said and ended the call.

I was so excited for tomorrow I mean I will be spending a whole day with her. I will show her every beautiful place and I am sure she won't regret meeting me. I sound so Girly.



I woke up by the ringing of my something, it sounds familiar though. Wait its my phone I guess. I patted under the pillows and covers to find it and answered in my very sleepy voice, "Hello?"

"Evelyn are you still sleeping?" Zayn's voice questioned from the other end of line. Why was he calling me so early.

"Zayn why you calling me this early in the morning?"

He laughed before answering, "It's eight fifteen already, did you forgot we are going to visit few more places today?"

Shit! I totally forgot that he was going to wait for me at eight near the hotel, that means he is waiting from last fifteen minutes for me. Jesus! I am such a sleepyhead. How can I make him wait for fifteen minutes? A handsome guy like him? Ugh! Someone please kill me now.

"Evelyn are you there?" His voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Yes I- I am sorry where are you now?" I asked as I quickly untangled myself from the covers almost falling off the bed in the process. Damn it why do I have to sleep in such a way?

"Waiting for you at the entrance of the hotel you are staying in."

"Oh! Erm.. Zayn I just woke up it will take some time for me to get ready would you mind coming up to my room number it's is 202." I can't make him wait more than he already did. My hotel room was quite big so he can just wait here rather than standing down.

"Okay." With that said I ended the call sighing heavily.

After two minutes I heard a knock at my door, I already know who it is. I walked towards the door and opened it, there he was standing looking stunning as usual.. Wait is that beanie he is wearing. He looked way too handsome than he already is. We were staring at each other and then I realised that I was still in my pajamas.

"So you just woke up huh?" His eyes twinkled with amusement and I could even see the twitch of his lips as he was trying to hide his smile.

"Yes c-come inside you can wait here I'll just dress myself I mean I will just get ready." I stuttered can't this situation get anymore awkward? I rushed into my room leaving him at the door.

After about ten minutes I was ready to go with some make up on, dressing myself and brushing my hair into a bun.

I saw zayn was watching out of the window. "Zayn I am sorry for -" he cut me off "Its absolutely okay." He smiled.

"So ready to go?" He asked.

"Yes!" I smiled.

I took my camera, phone and bag. Locked the door behind me and walked over to his car. Walking beside such a hot guy makes me feel so nervous I hope I am not gonna do any weird stuffs. I need to calm myself. I was happy that I am going to spent so much of time with him today. I hope he doesn't have a girlfriend. Why am I even thinking this at first place? We are not even friends.

On The Road Again Tour starting tomorrow whoa! I wish I could see them performing live in my country once.

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