Chapter 23

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"You have no idea how much I was craving for this kiss Evelyn." I stroked her soft lips with my finger.

"Oh is it?" she raised her eyebrows smirking. Oh this girl!

"Yes!" I kissed her nose.

We both stood there looking into each other's eyes for god knows how long. I don't want to let her go ever. Like I did before. A voice said. I frowned It was not just another voice but my own voice!

"Is something wrong?" Evelyn questioned her expression changing into a concerned one.

"N-no did you hear anything? Like a voice?" I looked around the balcony leaving a confused Evelyn.

"No, Its so calm here Zayn!" She spoke and sneezed.

"Uh Yeah. Maybe we should go back inside before you catch cold." I embraced her into my arms walking inside her room and closing the door behind me.

"Where are you going to sleep Zayn?" she sat on her bed shivering a little. I hope she doesn't get sick.

"Umm" I scratched the back of my neck feeling nervous all of a sudden.

"Just sleep here I feel good when you are with me." She said yawning.

"I will just switch off the TV, I am sure Niall probably passed out on the couch by now." She nodded and I went towards the living room and saw Niall sleeping in a very uncomfortable position. He will definitely strain his neck. I switched off the TV and walked towards couch and shook him gently at first but when he didn't even moved an inch I shook him hard and he lazily looked up at me, "What you want?"

"Go sleep in Prim's room. If you'll sleep here the whole night, you will probably strain your neck." I watched as he lazily stood up from the couch, "Where is the room?"

"The door at the right." I said and he dragged himself there opening the door and then paused to look up at me.

"Where you gonna sleep?" he frowned. Oh shit. Did the wrong thing waking him up!

"Never mind Sleep wherever you want to. Night bro!" he closed the door. Thank god!


I was way too sleepy so I decided to sleep because zayn took a lot of time. I slipped into the warm covers. Ahh it feels so good. I closed my eyes and went into a deep slumber not before I felt something wet and warm on my forehead and cheeks and two arms enveloped me making me warm than the covers. I smiled scooting closer to the heat and warmth.

I was somewhere, I couldn't even make where I was, a living room? Bathroom? Bed?. Everything seems blurry. I took my surroundings adjusting to the bright light coming from somewhere. Oh I was in bed. I just fell asleep why is sun shining so bright at night? I threw my legs over the bed standing up when I felt someone's presence behind me. I turned around to look at the person but it was too blurry. I couldn't make out if it was a man or a woman? I rubbed my eyes trying to see that persons face but it didn't help and I felt a sharp pain in my head that I couldn't bear. Unbearable Pain!

I shoot up from the bed still feeling the sharp pain in my head. I screamed on top of my lungs. My heart throbbing as well. "Please make it stop" I cried clutching my head with both my hands. Zayn woke up because of my screams and cries, he quickly hugged me whispering comforting words in my ears rubbing my back and kissing my neck, hair, side of my head every now and then. Which helped and the pain eased down slowly.

I felt lifeless, it was like someone just took away all my energy.

"Evie are you okay?" he pulled away but kept me close to him. I could see the concern on his face and his eyes not leaving mine for even a second.

"Say something Please!" He begged cupping my cheeks.

"I don't know." I finally managed to say after a few minutes and rested my head on his chest feeling his heart beat which was incredibly fast.

"Please tell me you are alright." He kissed my hair holding me tight and I hummed feeling my energy coming back.

What was that pain? Who was that person? Where was I? If it was all a dream why did it felt so real?

"Zayn I am sorry for waking you up." I whispered my voice week and low.

"Shh its okay." he leaned and connected our lips. I felt alive.


Yay! Exams are over. Sorry for a short chapter will update soon though. Comment your favourite Zvie moment! Got lot to say today.

Please check out my new story 'The Permanence Of Love' its a funny, emotional and a Romantic story not a fanfic!

And Thank you to all my lovely readers for keeping up with me. I am such a lazy person! Love you all x


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