Chapter 4

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Evelyn Woods

I woke up at nine in the morning as I was so tired and the bed was just too comfy. I was sitting in my bed thinking about that particular guy. How will I meet him? Where am I going to find him? God! Help me.

If he was in every photo I took and every place I went to than I guess I can go anywhere I want to and might find him. I am going to find him at any cost. How the hell he can stalk me!

I decided to visit a nearby cafe just across the hotel I was staying at. It was summer here and I might add was the weather was so beautiful. I quickly searched through my bag for a comfortable clothes and decided on wearing a shorts with a tank top. I took the cropped picture of that guy in my phone and left my room locking the door behind me.

While I was walking I felt someone constantly following me but I didn't bother to check who it was, maybe I am just paranoid after looking at all those pictures. I shook out all the thoughts and entered the cafe, sitting on an empty table by the glass windows.

I ordered a plain coffee, mindlessly scrolling my fingers on my phone screen checking out on the messages I had received last night which I didn't checked.

My coffee arrived and I thanked the waiter. I waited for a coffee to get a little cold as I like my coffee lukewarm. I starred out the while my mind drifted back to that black haired guy. I wonder what's his name?

I took a sip holding the cup in my hand, looking out and nearly choked on my coffee when I saw a similar face It was him! The boy I was searching for. No maybe I am imagining things but what if he is really there? I quickly stood up from my position and went out of the cafe still holding on to the cup tightly as I almost ran towards him. I mean I paid for a coffee, can't waste it.

"Excuse me!" I said politely while taping onto his shoulder trying not to tap too hard as his face was on the opposite direction and his back was facing me.

He turned around before answering, "Yes" I was suddenly entranced by his beautiful dark brown eyes which were slightly wide, I didn't notice I was just staring at him since last five seconds. At least it was just five seconds rather than minutes.

What should I ask him? Damn it Evelyn you should've thought before tapping on his shoulder. Maybe I can ask why is he stalking me? Nah! that would be rude.

"Umm.. do you know me?" I asked nervously, searching for something to ask which won't seem rude.

"No?" He said but it sounded more of a question than an answer and the frown on his face confirmed that it was indeed a question to himself.

I frowned before shrugging, "Okay maybe it was just a coincidence then, sorry." I apologised. turning away from him and made a quick run before I embarrass myself. He was beautiful though!

"W-wait!" He yelled, I was already walking or more like running away from him on the other lane.

I stopped in my tacks before turning around and found him running towards me. Whoa! Did I really ran that fast?

"Do you know me?" He questioned, his tone almost pleasing and begging me to say yes but why would he ask me the same question I just did few minutes ago. Didn't he heard me when I asked him? If I knew him why would I ask him?

"No! I don't know you either besides if I did why would I ask you if you know me?" I folded my arms, staring or more like glaring straight into his dark brown eyes. Well who ask such a stupid question? Off course him.

"You sure?" He asked again. Didn't he heard me?

"Yes! Look here mister, I thought you might be knowing me as you are stalking me, else why will you be in every photo I took?" I said a little harshly than I intended to do.

"What? Why will I stalk you if I don't know anything about you not even your name!" he almost yelled. Almost.

"I don't know wait a minute I'll show you the proof if you don't believe me." I took out my phone to show the cropped picture of him I saved from every photo I took.

"See this! Tell me who is that person then?" I said while shoving my phone in his hands as his eyes widened in disbelief looking at the cropped picture of himself which were clearly visible.

"Shit!" He muttered under his breath and I raised my eyebrows.

"But how is this possible that we don't know each other yet we know each other?" He said. Wait what?

"Wait! What do you mean? You said you don't know me when I asked you." I folded my arms asking for an answer. He might be beautiful and good looking but he surely is stupid!

"I will explain you, just not here." He said looking at me intently.


{Edited on 23rd March 2016}

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