Chapter 34

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After an introduction between Zayn and Leon and having a small conversation which seemed forced by Zayn, Leon decided to call it a night and left us in silence. We both were currently sitting on the bed saying nothing. He seemed to be deep in thoughts.

He has changed since the last time I saw him, something was different about him. I constantly feel like he is hiding something from me and I wish it's something good. I cleared my throat to gain his attention. He looked up at me from whatever deep thoughts he was in. I frowned a little but shrugged off quickly.

"So.." I trailed off trying to start a conversation. "What's up?" I mentally face palmed myself. What's up? Seriously Eves?

He just shrugged and scooted closer to me, pulling me to him gently, "Eves" he whispered and I shivered in delight. I hummed for him to continue.

"Can I sleep here tonight?" He asked but I sensed a hint of sadness and vulnerability in his voice. I mentally snickered at his question.

"Off course you can."

"Thank you Eves."

Well there was no need for a thank you because I wanted the same thing. That night I fell asleep in Zayn's arms which I missed so much.


Next few days went by quickly with Leon showing me every single place that I couldn't even imagined I would be able to see in my life. The reason I love traveling around the world with my camera. Germany is beautiful. The Bastei bridge was one of my favourite spot.

Saying I took lots of photographs will be an understatement. It was way more than I ever took in my life. Zayn used to accompany us wherever we go. I even took some photographs with Leon and Zayn not in my camera but in my phone.

I even met Leon's Grandma, she is one kind lady who wouldn't let you leave without trying out her delicious recipes, she really have this motherly aura which made me feel the love I missed from my own mother. She even feed me once, even though she is old, she was still energetic. I could see why Leon have so much love and adoration for her. I like her too.

All this time Zayn looked out of place. I need to ask him what's wrong. He comes in my room to sleep with me every night. During the day he used to leave my room and meet me back during lunch or dinner whenever I decided not to go anywhere.

One day when I was all alone during a daytime I thought back to my last dream. How different it felt, how different I was, so I decided to search about having such dreams. The results shocked me a little. All of my dreams only meant one thing, Reincarnation. Rebirth of a soul. Although I don't believe in such thing.

There were even few stories about lovers who met again and slowly remembered their past love life.

There was this lady who believed she was reincarnation of her grandmother after she had a dream of having a left leg longer than her right leg. When she asked about it to her mom she said her mother used to have same difference in her leg.

Can that be even possible? Is that the reason I feel this way about Zayn? Is this the connection we were searching for? All the photographs and paintings what did it meant? Maybe it is just the fate's way to bring us together, to cross our paths?

Should I talk about it to Zayn? Maybe not. After all I didn't had any dreams after that one besides I don't believe in reincarnation myself then how come he will believe it.

Tomorrow we will be leaving for Atlanta. Zayn decided to come with me and I still have to ask him about his strange and distanced behaviour. I am so going to miss Leon and his Grandma. That reminds me I have to meet her girlfriend today and help him proposing her.

I was currently going through my clothes in search of a nice yet simple dress to wear. Leon called me saying he would be here in half an hour to pick us up. Zayn went to his room to change into a nice pair of clothes after having our breakfast.

I don't even know what's her name! I quickly removed a nice dress I was looking for and almost ran into bathroom to change. I don't want to be late. I want this to get over and see how the new couple looks like. I know Leon is nervous as hell but what am I for? Ha! I am going to help him off course and if he doesn't propose her I am so going to burry him six feet under the ground.


I know it's been ages since I updated. I am so stressed about my final exams which starts in a few days. This story is ending, next chapter will be the last chapter and then I'll post an Epilogue. Sorry for a long wait.

Instagram- brokenwritter_


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