Chapter 22

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I was on cloud nine after Zayn asked me to stay here. I've never been so happy before! Okay maybe I was when I got free food and ice cream. Niall was still in the kitchen, Zayn was in the living room and I on the other hand was in my bathroom. I was grinning like an idiot (which I am definitely) while looking into the mirror.

I heard a knock on the door, "Evelyn? You okay there, its been like twenty minutes you're in there." I heard Zayn's voice and my eyes widened.

"What the Hell?" I shouted and realised I said it way too loudly. I have been standing here since last twenty minutes? I know I am an idiot but never thought I am the world's number one idiot.

"Evelyn?" I heard another knock.

"Oh Zayn!" I smiled reminding his words and mentally face palmed myself! Idoit he can't see you!

"Pizzas have already arrived and Niall started eating it already if you won't come out you will probably get to see the empty boxes." He yelled from the other side of the door.

"Hell no!" I turned away from the mirror and opened the door quickly and saw him standing with his arms fold up to his chest while smile creeping on his lips.

"Why are you smiling?" I frowned a but annoyed.

"Nothing." He shrugged.

"Okay I am craving now." I started walking back to the living room while Zayn following me. I saw Niall sitting comfortably on the couch with a box of pizza on his lap and two slices in his both the hands.

I sat on the floor and took one pizza box keeping it on the ground and opening it. Zayn sat beside me copying my action. I took one of the slice and started eating it.

"Ahhh Heaven!" I moaned closing my eyes and heard Zayn chuckle beside me.

"What?" I opened my eyes to find him looking at me amusingly while smiling.

He shook his head and started eating his pizza. What's with him and smiling a lot today?

I was already full and there was one slice still left. Niall already completed his pizza and starred down innocently at me and then at the slice in the box.

Should I give him? I mean I am already full but this is pizza I am talking about. I decided to give him the slice after debating with myself for about five minutes.

"I am full you can have it." I passed the box towards Niall while patting my stomach.

"Oh Evelyn! I love you so much!" Niall cheered up while stuffing the slice into his mouth all at once.

"Slow down kid you'll choke on that pizza!" Zayn scoffed and I chuckled.

"Oh shut up!" Niall retorted.

"You p-" before Zayn can complete his sentence I placed my hand on his mouth.

He narrowed his big brown eyes at me and I shook my head smiling. We both starred at each others eyes for a few seconds before I retrieved my hand from his mouth.



"Hey don't sleep there!" I yelled when Niall leaned on the couch for the third time. I was searching for a good movie with Evelyn sitting on the other corner of the room. We had a proper dinner with the help of some cooking books and decided to watch movies.

"Ugh! You don't like any of them!" Evelyn groaned throwing off all the CD's on the floor.

"It's not my Fault you don't even have any good movies!" I picked them up one by one.

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