Chapter 28

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I've called liam and Louis over at my house to keep me company and they would be sleeping here as well. I mean I miss the company of zayn and Niall. It's been three days since they both left and this time it was less painful knowing that he'll come back and now that we know each other's feelings.

We even did Skype each other but Zayn got some things to take care of so he didn't talk much last night though I don't want to keep bugging him and be a pain in his arse.

Liam used to come in the afternoon or some times in mornings and leave at night in past three days. I really am lucky to have him and off course Prim, Louis and Harry.

Harry did called me once or twice asking if I need anything or if I am okay. They treat me like I am a small child who needs a babysitter for everything! Seriously sometimes it get on my nerves but then they are all doing this because they care about me so I don't let them show my anger.

It was around six-thirteen in the evening. I was working on my lap top about editing some of the pictures that my boss sent me and was done with it. I walked out of my room stretching my arms above my head to check in two idiots sitting in living room I suppose. How long was I sitting in the same position?

"So Now Lion decided to come out of its cave?" Louis let out a chuckle looking back at me from the couch.

I narrowed my eyes almost glaring at him, "Yes and this lion is hungry so if you want yourself alive better shut up."

He just let out a loud laugh and I stood there watching him or more like glaring at him. If looks could only kill. I was a little snappy because of lack of Food and coffee plus the work.

Liam slapped on his head which made his laughter stop and I smirked at him sitting on the other chair. Yes he deserved it!

"What would you like to eat Eve?" Liam asked sincerely and I smiled at him. My favourite person in the world.

"You already know what would I like." I replied with my brows raised up.

He thought for a moment frowning before his frown disappeared and was replaced with a smile.

Shaking his head he said, "Coffee and pizza!"

I nodded frantically with a huge grin.

"Why don't we go out?" Louis suggested. Well it wasn't a bad idea to go out after all I've been at home since Zayn left and probably becoming an elephant.

"Yeah we should but before that I need coffee!" I stated.

"You can have it from Starbucks C'mon!" Louis stood up making me jump out of my seat.

"Nah! I need it now!" I shook my head with my arms folded like a stubborn kid. I agree I do act childish sometimes.

Louis opened his mouth to speak probably saying no but liam beat him saying, "I'll make some coffee for you Eve and then we will go out to eat something okay?"

"Yay! You are my favourite person in the world." I yelled jumping in his arms. Thankfully he was strong enough so he didn't fall as I shifted my weight onto him. He just chuckled.

"Hey! I thought I was your favourite person?" Louis whined from beside me as I pulled from hug.

I stick out my tongue at him playfully.

"Am I not your favourite person anymore Evelyn?" He pouted and I laughed looking at him. Can you believe he is the oldest among our group?

"Aww No Lou you aren't,"

"That hurts!" He cried and I laughed hysterically.

"Aww you'll always be my favourite person come here!" I said walking towards him and giving him a tight hug.

"I knew it!" He cheered.


After drinking the coffee made by my favourite person aka liam, three of us went out and decided to eat at the first place we see and it was McDonald's. I was so excited to see it I nearly ran before liam hold me. I was hungry and was acting like a lion to prey on anything I see to eat.

We were wandering around the place after eating. Now that I came out of the house I don't want to go back anytime soon, so I suggested we walk slowly roaming around here and there.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I removed it from my pocket to see who it was.

'Thomas' My boss!

"Hello." I answered

"Hey Woods! How are you?"

"I am good how about you?"

"Great! Well I called you to let you know the next destination." I knew it! At least I would be roaming around and not sleep lazily at home all day.

"Where is it?"

"The place is known as "The Bastei" situated in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains, in Germany. You'll be arriving at Dresden Airport from which you'll have to take the suburban railway to Pirna from there again you'll take a city train which is hourly trip to Lohmen where you'll be staying. Don't worry a man will come to pick you up from the airport."

"I have already booked your ticket, also the reservation for hotel and transit has been done. A man you can say as your guide will be with you whenever you will leave hotel to explore. Rest you can research about the place."

"Okay no problem when do I leave?"

"Tomorrow noon and will be staying until you would like to return. Will send you the ticket and all the money you'll required there. I hope you will enjoy there just don't get too lost into the rocks, because I need my best photographer back." He chuckled at the last part which made me smile.

"Don't worry I won't. See ya!"

"C'mon peeps I got some packing to do." I whistled at them catching there attention and walked in front of them.


I wonder how many of you really like this book?

I know this chapter wasn't really interesting but damn I did hell lot of research about the place.

Next few chapters will be without zayn but believe me it's worth it because you'll find out the connection between them soon.

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