Chapter 21

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The way she smiled when I said she is perfect to me was just so heartmelting and I felt an urge to kiss her and keep kissing her but I somehow controlled myself.

How can she say that she isn't perfect! I am so glad I met her and spent time with her but unfortunately this won't last forever. I will be leaving for London in like few days and I swear I am going to miss everything, miss her, her smile, her awkward moments which are so cute.

"Zayn!!" She waved a hand near my face and I blinked.


"What were you thinking, dreamer huh?" She chuckled.

"Nothing." I smiled starring into her beautiful eyes.

"Okay if you say so." She shrugged.

"Where is Niall is he going to come today?" She asked and I felt a sting.

"He wil- before I can complete my sentence door bell rang.

"Speak of a devil and he shall come." I muttered and Evelyn frowned.

"Did you say something?" She turned around halting mid way to open the door.

"Yeah, I'll check its probably him." I made my way towards the door before her and opened it.

There he was standing with a plan white T-shirt and jeans with a wide grin plastered over his face. devil!

I gave my toughest smile which I give when I am beyond annoyed and pissed.

"Oh mate! Where ya at, was missin' ya the whole night." He yelled and hugged me as if we met after years.

"If only we were all alone I would've definitely answered your every question with my hands and not mouth trust me." I whispered while patting his back a little hard.

"Evelyn!" He exclaimed and pushed me aside to hug her.

"Bro let her breath." I went and stood beside Evie.

"Niall, how are you?" Evelyn laughed and asked him when he pulled away but kept his hands on her shoulders.

"I am great! How about ya?" He smiled showing his perfect white teeths.

"I am good."

"Niall leave her she won't run away." I said it out loud.

Niall chuckled and Evelyn looked at me with a smile playing on her lips. I couldn't help but blush.

"So what are we going to do? I am bored." Niall asked plopping down on the sofa and taking the whole space.

"I am sorry he always behaves this way." I apologied to Evelyn.

"It's okay Zayn." She smiled

"Niall you aren't at your home!" I scolded him when he occupied the whole couch. I feel like I am his dad or something!

"She doesn't mind Zayn! Do you Evelyn?"

"No!" Evelyn laughed covering her mouth with her hand.

I sighed heavily and sat on one of the chair and Evelyn sat beside me on the other.

"Okay how about we make some lunch and than watch a movies?" Evelyn suggested after few seconds.

"Sounds perfect!" I cheered.

"Nah! I like eating food but cooking is not my cup of tea."

"Yeah." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Don't worry I'll cook, I guess." Evelyn said nervously and Niall started thanking her.

Perfectly Incomplete (Zayn Malik AU)Where stories live. Discover now