Chapter 3

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It was Twelve in the afternoon and is summer here in London. I decided to visit London at this time cause I can't really work and roam around in my shorts in winter.

I first decided to see 'The London Eye' as people talk much about it. I took a taxi as my hotel was far away from it.

"Oh My God Its heaven!" I said, mouth hanging open.

I took lots of photographs of The London Eye. Although there were some people I didn't bother. I didn't even ride in it as I was afraid something would happen to me and I don't want to die just yet.

After Taking pictures of The London Eye I decided to go to The Tower Of London. It was beautiful but so was everything here. This place is Amazing I wish I could stay here but I do love my home and crazy friends. Can't live without them. They are like my oxygen.


It was a great day in London today. I was sleeping in my bed thinking about all the places I have been to today while my phone started ringing. I took it and checked the caller ID, Louis.

"Okay Evelyn brace yourself to listen some colourful language." I mumbled to myself and answered the call.

"You little Jerk! How dare you leave me here alone without even telling me that you are going to London?" He yelled at me from the other end of the line while I moved my phone away from my ears. I was knowing he would go blastic and shout anything and everything that would come to his mind right now. I don't want to be deaf.

"Stop yelling Tommo. I thought you might be busy with your girlfriend and it was so sudden even prim came to know yesterday morning." I said after his yelling session was over.

"Okay but when are you coming my sweetheart?" I heard his chuckle and rolled my eyes. He can be an ass and other minute he will be so sweet. I like his attitude we all are used to it.

"After 4 days." I answered.

"Okay that's great but I'll miss you a lot love." He said sincerely.

"Aww my Tommo but I won't miss you." I said teasingly as he whined and ended the call before he starts his drama again.


Next two days went so fast and I almost visited every beautiful and famous places of London. I decided to go through all the photographs once before sending it to Thomas. I connected my camera to my laptop and started scrolling through all the pictures I took. I wasn't that bad of a photographer I though I am.

I saw every photographs were perfect but.. There was similarity in ever pictures. In my ever picture there was a Boy, there were few people here and there but his picture was clear and perfect. How is this possible? I zoomed the picture and cropped that part from every photographs to see who he was and how do he look like.

His hairs were a black in colour, he was so beautiful I mean handsome. His smile was cute. He was smiling in every pictures. I couldn't make out his eyes as he was wearing Shades.

Can it be a coincidence, that he was there at every place I went. Or was he stalking me? What if he knows who I am or worse he can be a Mafia trying to kill me? I need to find out tomorrow. I closed my laptop and fell asleep. This Mafia guy or whatever he do I am not going to die this young.

I know this chapter is not so good. I am sorry. I am not a good writer :(
Thank you and Love you all xx

(Edited on 13.03.2016)

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