Chapter 30

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I was walking while my hands where interlaced with his. I looked up at him and he smiled looking down at me which made me grin.

The cold breeze were hitting my face and my hairs were slightly flowing backwards. It was our secret and happy place. Since the first time I found out about this place I couldn't help but come here everyday. It helps me calm down.

When I showed this place to him or more like dragged him here he was stunned by its beauty.

We both were walking until we reached our destination, it has a gazebo like a small wooden house with a small river and a bridge surrounding it.

We both made our way inside the gazebo slowly crossing the small bridge.

"I missed you." He softly whispered in my ear making me shiver from delight.

"I know, wish I could tell the same." I smiled and teased. I love to tease him.

"So you didn't miss me huh?" He gently pushed me so my back was touching the wooded wall while both of his hands were on the side so I was trapped.

"Umm.." I pretended to think but he smashed his lips onto mine. His lips were so warm and soft. He traced my bottom lip with his tongue asking for an entrance but I didn't allowed him. He groaned and one of his hands that was on my waist slowly made its way into my shirt making me gasps. He quickly swiped his tongue into my mouth taking advantage of my distraction.

We both pulled away breathing heavily. We both were staring at each other and smiling.

"Du bist so hübsch." He whispered into my ear huskily and I moaned.
(Translation: You are so beautiful)

I blushed and looked down. He placed his finger under my chin and I looked up at him.

"I love you Edeline"

"I love you too Zacharias."

"C'mon get up Eves!" Someone was shaking me wildly and I groaned.

"Go away let me sleep"

"No wake up Evelyn. You are leaving today for Germany remember?"

"Oh right Germa- wait what!" I sat up on my bed.

"What is the time? Urgh tell me I haven't missed my flight."

"No you haven't and you still have a plenty of time left." Louis chuckled and I sighed in relief.

"Where is liam?" I stood up.

"Kitchen, making breakfast for us. Come fast or else I'll eat everything." He yelled as I made my way into the bathroom.

That dream was weird. I mean both of them looked like us. Me and Zayn but it was a really sweet dream. I feel as if I already lived there in that moment once.

And why the hell was zayn speaking in different language and what does that even mean? Am I going crazy? Wait why the hell we called each other from different names?

What was it? Edeline and Zacharias! It sounds cool though.

"Aww my poor liam always have to cook for me. I am so lucky to have you. Thank you for delicious breakfast." I said after I was done eating.

"Learn something from him you idoit." I smacked at the back of Louis' head earning an 'ouch' in return.

After making small talks and checking everything one last time we all headed out of my house. I greeted both of them goodbye and sat in the car Thomas sent to drop me at the Airport.

Here I come Germany!


Okay so I know some of you might already know what's the relationship between Zayn and Evelyn after reading this chapter. The adventure begins from next chapter!

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