Chapter 20

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I was going to kiss him! I was so close to him and prim have to come and ruin the moment Ugh!! Sometimes I hate her so much, I was going to have my first ever kiss for god sake cant she come after we kissed? I wanna cry so badly she is going to bug me after seeing us in such a way!

"Oops! I will come back later." Prim said turning around and leaving us both starring. I quickly removed my hands from his neck while he withdrew his arms from my waist. Oh I miss his touch already that was such a good feeling!

"Umm excuse me." I quickly ran towards prim's room from a very embarrassing moment.

I entered into the room and closed the door behind me. She was sitting on the bed wiggling her eyebrows when she saw me.

"So what was that eh?" she asked and I sat beside her.

"It was nothing ju-"

"Spit it now girl!" before I can complete my sentence she yelled.

"Since when you guys know each other? Last night was the first time you met him if I am not wrong Or you already know him? I am so lost, like no girl will kiss the guy she just met a night before!" she said and I prayed mother earth to swallow me right at this moment or maybe god can just make me invisible maybe even disappear me so-

"I am talking with you from last five minutes and you are sitting here like a fucking statue! Did you even hear what I asked?"

Oh shit! She is mad now!? I better tell her everything or I will be dead.

"What is he doing here by the way?" she asked again.

"Uh" I cleared my throat and took a deep breath, "I met him at London when I was there for five days" I said everything about Zayn not even leaving a single detail even how he stayed here last night and now she was in disbelief.

"Sorry for ruining your moment and all the yelling but you should've told me this before." She hugged.

"Well I would've if you were not too busy with your boyfriend." I smirked.

"Hey! You will realize what it feels like being loved and spending time with the person who you love truly when you'll have a loving boyfriend too!" she playfully slapped my arm.

"Oh just dream about that cause I don't think no one will ever love me!" I smiled.

"Oh have you seen the way he looks at you and how willing he was to kiss you? He is falling for you silly girl." She chuckled.

"And Liam knows about this too." I said completely ignoring what she said about zayn and her eyes grew wide, she took a pillow in her hand before she can even throw that pillow at me I quickly hop off the bed and ran towards the door running and laughing at the same time.

I suddenly bumped onto Zayn and lost our balance causing us both to land on the floor. He was on the floor while I landed on top of him and we both started laughing.

"So-rry!!" I said in between my laughs

"It's the second time you nearly fell today but I am grateful I was here to save and hold you every time you bumped and tripped over!" he replied with a chuckle and I swear I felt my heart skip a beat.

"You Twat!!" prim came yelling with a pillow in her hand and yet another awkward moment. She was grinning from ear to ear after finding us in this position. I stood up so did zayn.

"Hey Zayn! Remember me?" Prim exclaimed throwing the pillow at me which I caught thankfully.

"Yeah Prim, harry's girlfriend right?" he smiled. Oh this human being is perfect!

"Yeah nice to meet you!" she smiled back.

"Evie can I talk to you for a minute?" she glanced at me with a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

"Yeah, just a minute zayn." I smiled at him and we both went back to her room.

"Was it necessary to call me twat in front of him?" I threw the pillow and plopped on the bed.

"Well I totally forgot he was here so apology my princess." She kneel down bowing which made me laugh.

"Apology accepted my Prince." I mocked and laughed harder.

"Anyways I am going for few days and I've no idea when I will return so take care babe." She stood up and took out her bag from underneath the bed and her purse and cell phone. When did she packed?

"Where? And at what time your flight is?" I stood up frowning.

"France and my flight is of mid-night but will be spending whole day with harry" she blushed.

"Okay have fun and kisses!" I said and we both laughed.

Zayn was sitting on the sofa when we came out. He frowned a bit when he saw a bag in prim's hand.

"Bye zayn hope we meet soon." Prim greeted but he was so lost and confused.

"She is going to France for a shoot." I said and zayn quickly smiled.

"Bye prim hope you have a safe journey." He said.

"Will miss you sweetie." I hugged her.

"I will miss you too babe, be safe take care and call harry if you need anything." She hugged back and I nodded.

"When will she come back?" Zayn asked when I closed the door after greeting prim.

"No idea!" I replied mindlessly walking towards the sofa and sitting.

"Evie! You stay all alone?" he asked sitting beside me.

"Ya mostly I am alone cause everyone have their jobs and girlfriends/boyfriends." I said a bit disappointed.

"They ask me if I am okay and liam even stays here but I feel like I am bothering them so I stay alone." I whispered

"Evelyn, can I ask you something?" he asked and I nodded.

"Why are you single? I mean were you having an Ex-boyfriend?" he asked hesitantly and I frowned.

"Well the reason I am still single is no one really likes me or you can say I am still waiting for someone who can bear me and my silliness. And no I wasn't having any boyfriend before." I gave him a fake smile.

He looked relieved and shocked at the same time.

"What about you?" I asked.

"Me? Oh umm No I wasn't having any girlfriend either." He said and it was my turn to be shocked.

"Really?" I asked with my eyes wide open.

"Yeah why?" he smiled.

"Oh nothing I thought how can a guy as beautiful as you can be single at this age." I laughed and realised what I just said. Thanks to my silliness.

"Beautiful me?" He chuckled.

"Umm I mean handsome." I said feeling embarrassed.

"It's actually other way round. Evelyn you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met." He starred at me and I couldn't help but blush.

"Thank you. You can add more you know like the most silly, stupid, clumsy girl." I laughed and he shook his head smiling.

"No you are perfect." He smiled warmly and my heart just melted.


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Thank you to my lovely readers for all your support and Love. Hope you all like the story so far I will try to update more often. Love you x


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