Chapter 2

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I ordered another pizza as I finished the whole pizza which I ordered earlier. My door bell rang and I went to open the door.

"Eves!" Liam cheered and gave me a hug, "Liam!" I said in the same cheerful voice hugging him back. We both pulled away with a smile, entering the house.

"So when you are returning from London?" he questioned plopping himself on the couch.

"After five days." I answered sitting beside him. "Whoa! Five days in London, can we swap jobs?" he said while changing the channel with a remote.

The bell rang and it might be pizza. I stood up to open the door and it was surely pizza delivery man I handed him the money and took the pizza thanking him and closing the door. "Leeyum! Your pizza is here!" I yelled while keeping the pizza on table.

"Thank you so much eves, you know you are the best. I was starving." He said taking a biggest slice of pizza.

"Your welcome. And its all yours so eat it slowly I am not gonna eat." I chuckled.

"Aha okay thank you once again." He said taking a bite from his pizza. I smiled shaking my head. Cute.

Liam completed his pizza in less than ten minutes and we both were ready to leave. I checked everything one last time and left the house. See ya in five days.

Liam took his car instead of my and we both sat in for a long ride to airport.


We reached the airport and I said liam goodbye. "Take care and have fun!" Liam said hugging me last time. "Ya sure man." I hugged back and went inside the airport waving back at him.

I sat in my seat and plugged my ear phones as I don't want to eat anything besides I have to stay for 8hrs and 5 minutes in this flight. Too much to be a photographer.

I saw a boy with blond hair sat beside me as the flight attendant announced to wear seatbelts. I forgot to wear my seatbelt so I quickly did it.

I closed my eyes and fell into deep slumber.


I reached London hiring a cab asking him to take me to the hotel Thomas had booked a room for me in. When I reached at the hotel, it was a really beautiful but it was not luxurious. It was beautiful though and I liked how it wasn't congested as other big hotels.

The room was of medium sized with all the necessities. I like it. London is really beautiful I said to myself staring out of the window seeing the beautiful view.

I quickly took out my camera and took a picture. Smiling to myself I removed my jacket and shoes and fell on the bed with a sigh. The mattress is really soft here.

I was exhausted from the tiring and boring plane ride. Here you go jet lag! Pulling the covers over my head I fell asleep.

I know this chapter is a bit boring but don't worry soon the story will become interesting trust me. Thank you x

(Edited on 7th March 2016)

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