Chapter 6

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After showing my paintings to Evelyn she was acting as if she saw a ghost. I know its weird that my pictures were with her and her painting with me. This can't be a coincidence! I have no idea what does it even mean? I was deep in my thoughts that I almost forgot that Evelyn was still standing in my art room while popping her eyes out looking wildly at all my works.

She looks so cute and beautiful. I used to wonder whether I will ever be able to find this beautiful girl I am painting and when today I finally found her more like she found me I was just dumbstruck. She is even more beautiful in person.

At first when she asked me whether I am stalking her or I know her I couldn't think of anything to say my mind became as blank as a paper. I mean she is the girl I painted.

"Zayn?" She said pulling me from my thoughts. It felt so good when she called me by my name for the first time.

"Yes!" I said smiling warmly at her.

"From when did you started doing this?" She said nervously pointing towards the paintings I made of her.

"Well its like half month I've been doing this." I spoke.

"Didn't you feel weird about painting someone you don't know?" She questioned.

"At first yes but then I started painting more of it as they came to my mind. I even tried searching for you." I answered.

"What! Really you searched for me?" She asked in disbelief.

"Yes. How can I not search such a beautiful girl?" I smirked.

"Oh! Okay I think I must go now." She blushed and was about to leave while I called her trying hard not to laugh, "Evelyn!"

She spun around giving me confused look "huh"

"You know we need to find out about all these things like you have got my pictures and I've a paintings so if you don't mind .. Can you umm give your number so that we can stay in touch." I said nervously I was so nervous to ask for her number. I was never one to stutter but she is different.

"Yeah! we need to find out what's going on." She quickly removed a card from her handbag and handed it to me. "Here, this is my card."

I took it as her name and number were written in it. "So you are a photographer huh?" I asked.

"Yes!" she said smiling. Her smile was so beautiful, everything about her was beautiful and I found myself staring at her.

"I think I must go now. It was really nice to meet you." She said held out her hand for me to shake and I took his shaking it, "likewise"

"I can drop you if you don't mind." She stopped once again turning around to face me.

She thought for a moment, "That would be great, can you drop me near that cafe we met as my hotel is near to it." She said as we both walked to where my car was. She was standing near my car as I locked the door and kept the keys in my pocket.

"Where are you from? " I asked while driving.

"I am from Atlanta." She answered but almost above the whisper. She was deep in her thoughts maybe she was thinking about us! Maybe no.

The ride to the cafe was silent. We reached where we met. "Thank you." she said before opening the door.

"No problem." I smiled.

"When will you leave for Atlanta?" I asked as she was about to climb out of the car.

"After two days. Why?" She frowned. There was something about her which was attracting me. A little part of me felt bad as she was here only for two days and after that I won't be able to see her.

"Nothing just thought if you want to explore more or need any help you can call me." I said.

"Yes but I don't have your number."

"Oh! I have your number. I will call you or text you at night so you'll get my number as well." I said.

"Okay Thank you for the ride." She said. "No problem." I smiled. She climbed out of my car walking towards the hotel near the cafe when I was sure she reached inside I started my car and rode back to my home.


Instead of going back at home I went to meet Niall as he was all alone and free today not that he had work anyway. I rang the doorbell and was waiting for him to open the door. After few minutes door opened revealing Niall only in his boxers.

"Hey mate!" He said hugging me, I hugged back. "Hey Vas Happenin?" He stepped aside allowing me to enter as we both made our way into his messy house.

"Thank God you came or else I would've been so alone." He said scratching his head. His messy hair was sticking up in all directions.

"Yeah. You know that paintings?"

"Which one! Oh you mean of that girl?"

"Ya that girl, I met her today." I answered.

"Whoa! Finally you found her huh!" He chuckled.

"Yes she is more beautiful than you saw in the paintings. Well actually she came and asked me why am I stalking her she was a bit furious at first but when I showed her paintings her anger disappeared. You know she is a photographer and her name is Evelyn." I was continuously babbling with so much excitement I didn't notice Niall smirking at me.

"Why can I feel that, it is love at first sight!" He laughed.

"Shut up Niall!" I said throwing a pillow at his face.

"Okay but why was she searching for you?" He questioned.

"Well just like I made her paintings, I was in her every photograph, reason she thought I was stalking her."

"Okay." He said stuffing his mouth with chips! Will he ever stop eating so much?

Hope this chapter is better than the previous one. Thank you for all the votes and comments it makes me feel so good.

{Edited on 23rd March 2016}

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