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ONE MONTH AGO . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Earlier of Monday morning my phone just kept on ringing and disturbing my beauty sleep, After some twist and turn I finally pick it up without checking who was on the other side.

" Hello ! ".

"Hello may I speak to Ms.Alison Williams"

"Yes, how can I help you"

" I am Rose calling from Mr.Raichand office" hearing that i sat up immediately.

"I would like to inform you Ms.Alison your name has been shortlisted for the Assistant post in our company ,will you be able to make it for the interview at 12:00 today ".

I just couldn't believe I got shortlisted for this job.

"YES, sure" i said, she then shared with me the location details and ends the call.

After cutting the call I got up from the bed and did my morning business coming downstairs I met mom and told her about the news.

"Mom . . Mom I got a call from Mr. RAICHAND'S office for the interview today, i cant beleive i got shortlisted I m soo excited mom !" I said .

After listening to me she got a lot happy and wished me luck "Give your best dear" .

"Thanks mom " saying that I left for the interview.

Reaching the location I took a deep breath before entering the tallest building of the town .

At reception I greeted a blonde head beautiful girl .

'Hello! Good Morning, my name is Alison Williams I m here for the interview'.

'Good Morning Ms .Williams the interview is heading on 55th floor, you can take the left elevator to there'.

'Thank you Miss'.

Thanking her i left for the elevator with the coffee in my hand which I brought from the cafe opposite the building .

I was so nervous that I din even notice where I was heading and accidently bumped into something or someone .

Making me fall on my butt and spilling the coffee over my dress .

' Damn this is bad' .

Looking up of my dress , I saw a very handsome looking guy glaring at me with anger in his eyes.

Why is he so angry ?

OOOH ! Shoot I spoiled his white shirt.

Well I can buy him the new one.

Just as I was gonna apologize to him for accidentally bumping .

He spoke in a very angry tone.

" Are you blind ! can't you see where you are walking you stupid girl" shouting at me he just started leaving from there like ignoring me totally.

'What the actual hell !
I was going to apologize to him for bumping accidentally, but I guess he needs the taste of his own medicine.'

" Wait a second, You...... who the hell do you think you are, to call me stupid .
You moron" I said angrily.

"You are the one who came out of nowhere and bumped into me and now my dress got spoiled because of you, and here you are shouting at me rather than apologizing" I said.

Turning to me he asked angrily
"What did you say?"

"Ooh! Are you deaf , Or should I repeat my self for you?" I asked sarcastically.

He got more angry at my tone and started watching me head to toe.

"What makes you think, That I will really care about your silly dress. Huh ?"

"Do you have any idea the shirt that you spoiled right now."
"how much does this pair costs? " he asked

I gave him a boring look.

Annoyed by my behaviour he said

"I bet you don't, these clothes cost $10000" .

Hearing the price my mouth hung opened with shock, Fucking hell he must be kidding me.

Why the hell would someone wear this much costly clothes I just kept staring at his face.

He laughed at my reaction and said
"I bet you would have never seen this much money in your whole life"
Hearing him insulting me my anger touched its peak.

"I guess money brought you many things but forgot to buy you some manners".

Saying that I smirk at him and took out my note pad from my purse.

Writing down my name and number on  the paper I tore it and hand it over to him.

"Text me on this number, your account details I will transferred the amount soon" saying this I left him fuming in anger.

Well this was the most stupid step i took in anger because, I don't have this much money to pay him and now I can't take my words back.

I hope he just forgets about this . . .

Getting myself clean I then got in the elevator and reached the floor.

Greeting another receptionist over there, whose name was Ms.Rose James .

she asked me to wait and spoke to someone on the telephone.

After 5 minutes she asked me to go inside as it's my turn and Mr. Richand is waiting.

I knocked on the door and stood there hearing a "come in ".

I opened the door to greet Mr. Raichand.

"Good Morning sir "

Mr. Raichand had his chair turned on the other side.

Hearing my voice he turned his chair and looked at me and I felt as if the ice cold water was poured over me.

I just couldn't move from my spot after watching him, It was the same guy from the corridor whom i bump into .

Looking at my direction a smirk appeared on his face and just like that the whole room started spinning around me after seeing Mr.Raichand.

Watching me stand there he asked me to sit, and started taking my interview.

He behaved very professionally and differently.

Now for once I thought I'm doomed and he will kick me out or even worse but he took my interview properly and even selected me for the profile

I'm very confused . . . . . . . . .  .

To be continued . .

Falling For The BeastWhere stories live. Discover now