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Alison pov
(In the morning)

The throbbing in my head slammed hard through me, making me groan loud.

I shifted against the soft material blindly and my hand started searching for the comfort.

Suddenly I felt exposed when the cold air hit my bare thights.




My eyes are short open and now I am fully awake.

I felt a sudden sting of pain in my hand and I saw my one hand was wrapped in a white bandage.

"Huh ?
How and When did I got hurt ?" I spoke to myself.

Suddenly my head also started paining with the other hand holding my head I saw my surroundings and analysed it .

I realised that I was on a huge bed but it wasn't mine.

The room wall was fully built with glasses and it's soo beautiful.

I was busy admiring the room that I even forgot about how I got here.

By the time I got back to my senses I realised that, I was not only in someone else's bed, but I was also in a shirt which was not even mine.

With the thought of doing something wrong here is this bed with someone.

I screamed and pulled the sheet to cover myself from the embarrassment.

The door opened with a bang and Jay came in.

"What's wrong ?
Why the f*** are you screaming" he asked me scanning the room.

I peeked out of the sheet to see who it was and saw a very pleasant view.

Jay was in the room shirtless, sleepy eyes and Messy hair.

'Why is this Greek God half naked' I thought.

Wait a second. . .

Why is he here? and that is too shirtless.

"Where am I ?
and why am I here ? "

I ask gripping my throbbing head because of thinking too much the pain started again.

"Amnesia is a good call" he said popping on the bed beside me after scanning the room.

"I m not Amnesiac ! "
I said throwing a pillow on him and clinching the sheet tight to my body.

"Are you for real, dont you remember anything from last night" he said with a smirked.

Damn he looks so sexy with that smirk and Messy hair.

God wha. . what the hell is wrong with me ?

what am I thinking? . Wait

"WHAT ?" I asked shockingly.

"Yaa !
Last night we where together in this bed. When you said you liked what I was doing and not to stop" he said teasing me.

I was too much shocked after hearing that I started covering myself more.

"Ooh ! Mia Amor,
There is nothing to hide from me I have seen it already" he said.

I was too much worried and was on the edge of crying. When he started laughing loudly.

"Oh my God you look soo funny, just look at you" he said.

I glare at him and ask "What".

"Hey don't look at me like that, don't you remember your night stunt " he asked.

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