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I was stopped by Mr. Raichand.
"Wait for me down stairs, I will drop you home."

Saying This he went to a room beside the bathroom.

Hearing that She went inside behind him and said, "Baby, I need to talk to you about something very important.
She can go alone."

Ignoring them, I started to leave but the look Abhay and Anaya were sharing with each other did not go unnoticed by me.

I'm afraid it won't be good for me because I know that smirk.

They are definitely thinking about doing something crazy.

Coming down Abhay apologise for her behaviour which I knew very well from before.

I told him not to be sorry about it and left saying my goodbye.

After sometime a black Lamborghini stopped beside me.

Just when I was a little far from the gate of the mansion I knew very well who it was, so I kept walking.

Driving slowly beside me he slid the window and said.

"Alison, you better get inside the car if you don't want me to come out and carry you on my shoulder and dump you inside the car."

He gave me that look which instructs you.

You better get in before I come out.

I didn't want to make any mess so I quickly moved to the passenger seat and sat there quietly.

I struggled to fasten my seat belt, which was as stubborn as its owner.

Suddenly Mr. Raichand came toward me and said.

"Let me help you with that" hearing him, I turned around.

Which was my biggest mistake his face was too close to mine.

He kept looking me in the eye and took the belt, slowly taking it away from my grip and plucked it in.

'He looks soo hot kiss him now. . . . kiss him '

I couldn't shut my stupid mind off because of the closeness.

I kept telling myself that he was my boss and that he has a mean fiancee, and I wouldn't listen to my own thoughts.

I kept murmuring, "Breath and focus, focus, focus," in a low voice.

"on his lips."

"Ooh shut up," I scolded my mind out loud.

He sank back into his seat and asked, "What's wrong, are you okay?"



Now he might be thinking, I'm insane.

I'm talking to myself, I intellectually face palm myself.

"Nothing !" I breath out .

"Please Can you drop me home soon".

"Sure,"with that he drove to my house.

On our way he got a call so He got busy talking and I was just looking at him.

He flexes his muscles whenever he moves his arms, and he looks so hot while driving.

I was so engrossed in him that, I didn't realize that he had finished his call and was glancing at me.

"My lips might taste better than my muscles" he said, getting me startled.

"I . . I wasn't... I.."
"I'm sorry, what did you say?"
I was out of words because he caught me.

Falling For The BeastWhere stories live. Discover now