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After lunch we were going back in his elevator together.

I am scared of taking a lift with him after that morning incident.

I was quiet, and was waiting to get out of this awkward situation.

Mr Raichand tryed to make some communication but I end it soon.

When he told me I could call him by his first name which surprised me, but I felt like I shouldn't.

Suddenly he stopped the elevator just as we reached the floor.

I told him to start the elevator, but he started approaching me.

Making me feel uneasy I know he's hot, but right now him coming closer doesn't work at all.

What the hell is wrong with him?

He is attempting to get us killed.

I don't know what made him start arguing with me.

When I got angry he suddenly kissed me, that all was so sudden I couldn't move from my place I was frozen.

He didn't give me time to breathe because he was kissing me so strongly and with such force.

That I couldn't understand what was happening to me.

Sensing that I was out of breath he started kissing my neck I was getting wet down there, and accidentally I moaned.

Getting back to his senses He maintained some distance, and started the lift.

When the elevator door opened, he left.

After sometime I rushed to my cabin and locked the door.

As I stood there, struggling to breathe and was on the verge of crying.

How could he?
He took my first kiss, which I had saved for my special someone .


And I cried for a while because of the incident.

Not feeling well after a few hours later cleaning my face.

I went to Mr. Raichand's cabin to let him know I was leaving earlier today because of not feeling good.

I knocked on his door to get in;
He was working on some papers, so he looked up when he heard the door get close.

Shhh, Aly, don't cry.

Just tell him you're sick and leave.

Go. . . . It's easy; you can do it.

Yes, you can do it. . . . .
Yes, you can.
saying that I moved toward his desk.

"Mr.Raichand I- - - - I am - - - Not feeling well so I- Can I leave earlier today please".

I kept my head down and said because I don't want him to see my red face from crying he will make fun of me .

However, as usual, He had other plans for me as he left his work and looked at me.

He said, "Alison, look at me."

I didn't look at him.

He raised from his chair and said, "Alison, I said look at me now,"
this time in a harsh tone.

"Mr. Raichand, I - - - --need to leave please, I - am not feeling well" I informed him once again.

"Why are you not looking at me and talking?"

He inquired as he got closer to me, I took a step back.

He stopped moving when he saw me backing away and maintaining some distance..

Falling For The BeastWhere stories live. Discover now