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After Breakfast Jay gave me one more pill informing me that it will ease my headache.

And to my surprise it actually did. I was feeling a lot better after sometime.

Soon he got ready and we left for work in his car.

I couldn't see his house from the outside, because we left some basement parking. Which lead us to the exit of the back side of the house.

We started working once we reached our particular cabin.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed.

I checked my phone it was my mom who Messaged me.

"Good Morning dear,
I have to go to your auntie's place for some day because she is very sick.
So please take care of yourself and call me if anything needed"

Reading her text I released a deep breath and texted her back.

' Okay mom say my hello to aunt,
take care and dont worry about me'

With that I went back to work. I was working on the design when at lunch time I heard a knock on the door and Abhay came in.

" Hey Aly whatsup " he said.

Watching him come in I said.

" Hi Abhay"

"Well you wont mind me calling you Aly right ?" he asked.

"Yes! Absolutely you don't need to ask as we are friends now.
Anyways if you are here then,
where is Anna? " I asked.

"Oh ! she is waiting for you in the cafe for lunch.
She told me as you got hurt and she is too much worried about it so just to chill on she wants to treat us for lunch.
So I have been informed to bring you there soo lets goo" he said.

This girl and her sudden plans, without giving it much thought I tucked away my paper in the drawer and locked it.

And closed the door lock before accompanying him to the cafe.

Entering the Café I observed Anaya was talking to a guy .

The figure looked similar.

Abhay told me to join them as he will bring the food .

Reaching the table I saw none other than Mr Jay Raichand smiling and laughing with her.

Am I dreaming or what ?

I have never seen him so carefree around anyone before.

"Aly come sit " Anna said once she noticed me near the table.

I very well know she purposely made me sit with Mr Raichand.

After sometime Abhay came with food and joined us.
While eating I could feel Mr.Raichand eyes on me.

"So Aly how is your hand now are you able to work with that " Abhay asked.

"Aly? Are you people are on short names now" Jay asked eyeing Abhay.

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We were having our lunch, when Abhay called her Aly while talking.

Wait a minute, when they become so close? And why does it even matter to me .

Falling For The BeastWhere stories live. Discover now