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I woke up by the sound of my alarm checking the time I saw it was 10:30.

"Shit I slept for so long " rubbed my eye I woke up.

Last night I was so frustrated because of all the paper work. It's been years now, I am working on my new hotel project which is going to open in the upcoming months and I don't want any mistakes in its opening.

Turning around thinking all this i saw Leena sleeping beside me watching her sleeping beside me. I regret calling her last night.

I was so frustrated yesterday and wanted some good fuck. So I called her to my place but now seeing her in my bed is irritating.

I don't like any girl sleeping in my bed.

Usually I use my guest room for sex, but yesterday I was tired and drunk so din notice it was my bed we were in.

Once she is out of here I'm gonna make the maid throw the bed and it's stuff.

Getting off the bed I went straight to shower. Taking some good time to calm myself.

Coming out i got dressed for the day.

Suddenly I heard Leena's voice behind me "Good Morning baby" she said.

Coming towards me she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me.

I pushed her away in annoyance and started leaving taking my keys but before leaving the door.

I turned around and gave her a last glance and said " Take your shit and leave before I come back, because if I see your lazy ass on my bed again I won't hesitate to kick you out of my mansion" saying that I left her alone.

Starting the engine of my bugatti I took the road to work. How the fuck am I going to marry this lady.

I am frustrated with her already now, Because as per the deal in exchange for the investment I will have to marry his daughter.

At first I thought about making this deal will be fun with his father, as he was investing some good amount in my business and, I was even getting his daughter to have fun with.

It was a good deal to me.

As Leena is the top hottest model of the town and fucking her was fun, but not anymore as.

After a year that old man got his business totally destroyed and he was even going to get bankrupt.

To save his ass I had to give him some of my money and now have to deal with his stupid daughter also 'GOD'.

Reaching the company I parked my car and went inside the building.

Reaching at this position was not easy. I have built this company on my own, it took so many years of hard work and a clean image as per my family background, to become the 1st business tycoon in the world.

My family belongs from a mafia background being the only heir of the family. The business was to be passed on to me. But, I refused to get my hands dirty with it.

So my cousin Ray handles all the dirty stuff for me, and no one knows about my true Mafia business yet.

I have been named by Damien in that terrifying world and not even a single mafia knows my real identity behind that named man .

I Don't know how long I will be able to pull up on both faces.

As per person (Jay Raichand) is rude, arrogant, womanizer and successful business man, and on the other hand (Damien the mafia king) is terrifying, merciless and cruel killer.

Having all the thoughts in my mind, I bumped into someone and got my white shirt fully spoiled with coffee stain.

Angrily I looked at the person who bumped into me and saw a cute tiny girl, sitting on the floor with all her dress covered with the same coffee stain.

I was already frustrated and now this but she looks cute.

She stood up and started talking to her self and noticed me standing there with the same condition as hers.

I was staring at her for a few seconds, then came out of my zone as she approached me.

As I was in no mood for such a dumb act to grab my attention. I snapped at her for being careless and started to leave.

But I must say she got some guts to argue with me and say all those things.

she even gave me her number to send her the account details for the shirt compensation, I was irritated and surprised at the same time.

I mean Damn this girl is something as no one has ever spoken to me like that.

She really knows how to get on my nerves, not having much time to waste on her. Putting the number in my pocket I went to my cabin and changed.

Relaxing on my chair facing the window I waited for the candidate, who is coming for the Assistant interview today. As the previous one had to leave after her pregnancy News so now I need a new one .

I don't have time for this shit but the previous one was a lot better at handling my schedule and work stuff without being a slut.

So now I have to personally look for another one as I keep getting people who just want to sleep with me and it is very hectic to get a Hard working one so changing them again and again is getting me into trouble.

My office intercom started ringing so I  answered it. Rose informed me that the candidate is here so I told her to send her in.

After some time I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I said facing the window.

She closed the door and greeted me. Hearing her voice I turned around and saw the same girl from the corridor.

Glanceing at her a surprising smirk made its place to my face with an evil plan building up in my mind to teach her a good lesson.

I saw all the colour draining out of her face after seeing me. I assume she didn't expect me to be here. (neither did I thought)

I told her to sit and took her interview professional and even got pretty impressed by her skills and knowledge, I mean she does look like a tiny bunny but she has pretty good knowledge.

I informed her to join from tomorrow and told her to get all the information about the job from Rose.

Thanking me she left the office.

Watching her leave I just had one thought in my mind.

It's going to be a lot of fun, having her around.

To be continued . . . .. .

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