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Alison Pov

I came back from the cafe and started working again and completed the lobby design and Waiting area design.


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I relaxed in my chair after satisfying with the design outcome.

I started thinking about Mr.Raichand, he was behaving very strangely from the morning.

The way he was watching us talk today.

It felt like he wanted to beat the hell out of him and I don't even know why he was starting at Sid like that.

Ring ring ring . . . . .

My cell started ringing and I saw the ID It was Anaya.

"Hey babe, whatsup" I said.

"Hey, Aly( Alison) I wanna talk to you about something that's Very important.
Yesterday because of Rick I couldn't say anything but now I can't keep it to myself anymore" she said.

She sounds serious. . . .

"What is it Anna ( Anaya )".

No No not on call, tell me where you are "she asked.

"I'm in the office right now"
checking the time I said
"I will leave in one hour".

"Cool ! Come to my place directly we are going clubbing tonight" she said excitedly.

"Clubbing ?
Hmm ,
Okay !
I will be there soon"

Saying that I end the call. Finishing my work for the day, I left for her place on my way I texted mom.

"Heya mom
I'm going to Anaya house and will be staying there tonight
see you tomorrow love ya
Goodnight "

Soon I reached her place and parked my car.

Ringing the door bell I waited. After some time Ms.Lilly their house keeper opened the door for me.

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