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I woke up after sometime.
Sitting on the bed I started planning my rest of the day.

As Mr Raichand said, the presentation is tomorrow and I have already prepared everything.

So for today I have the rest of the day to myself, thinking that I got up and took a nice relaxing shower.

"Uhmm . . . .
Let's go shopping and buy something stunning for the presentation" looking at the mirror I said to myself and left the room once I was ready to leave.

"Ms. Williams please wait" When I was passing by the lobby I heard Robert's voice from behind me.

"Yes ! Robert
What happened" I asked him with a smile on my face.

"Ms. Williams Mr. Raichand had instructed me to escort you, to the place you would like to go.
So please allow me to take you to your destination" he said very professionally.

"Robert, please call me by my name you are elder than me and surely you can come with me but as my friend if you agree to that than I will go with you" I told him.

He smiled at me and said " Ok Alison let's go" with that we went shopping.

I bought some formals and party dress for me and got Robert a dashing suit.

He was refusing to take it from me but I forced him.

After being successful in my task we went to a cafe, having some coffee and snacks we talked for some more time and then left the cafe.

While leaving Robert told me to wait in the parking lot and he went to take the car.

While I was going near the parking area I accidently bumped into someone making my shopping bags fall.

" Damn! why do I have to be so clumsy all the time " I said to myself and started collecting the bags when I heard a man say.

" I am very sorry miss I din see you coming, here please let me help you " he said handing me the bags one by one.

Taking the bags I looked at the man and damn he is a handsome guy.

'He looks so cute, are we I cursed with some spell to always bump into handsome guys around me '
my subconscious mind said.

he said handing me the last bag.

" It's okay I was also careless" I said standing up and taking all the bags.

"Well it was totally my fault please allow me to by you a coffee in my apology" he said giving me a cute smile.

I laughed at his cute reaction and said
" It's okay it was not totally your fault and sorry to deny your offer but I truly had a cup full of coffee and also have to leave, so I'm sorry but it was nice meeting you" I said extending my hand for a handshake .

Giving me a handshake he said" Well not an issue, but it was beautiful accident bumping into you".

I Laughed at his words and there was a honk from the main gate side i saw a car ahead of me it was Robert.

So I said my good bye and started to leave when he stopped me and ask.

"Well can I know this beautiful woman's name at last"

Smiling at him I relayed " Alison williams, what's your name" I asked.

"Umm . . We can leave that for the next time.
What say Alison ? " With that he winked at me and went inside the mall.

I gave a small laugh and said "Interesting man" And soon I sat in the car.

While going back Robert asked me if I was in trouble with a serious tone so I told him everything that I bumped into a guy and he was cute and was saying sorry and all so he just nodded his head and was driving.

Soon we reached the hotel with that while entering the hotel I asked Robert about Mr Raichand.

he said " Sir is out for a meeting he might be back in sometime".

Cool so will you inform him when he is back that I will be waiting for him in the hotel rooftop restaurant for dinner " I informed Robert.

He gave a smile and said " Sure Alison enjoy your evening " with that he left from there.

Going to my room I got fresh and wore a black dress for dinner

Getting ready I went to the restaurant and took a seat near the balcony side It was very beautiful so I ordered a champagne and was enjoying it with the view.

After some time I saw Mr Raichand standing beside me and staring.

"Mr Raichand finally you are here " I said smiling at him.

"Yes Alison,
Robert told me that you want to have dinner with me" he asked eyeing me suspeciously.

'God this guy can never be normal
Can he?' I thought.

Mr Raichand Robert was right.
I thought before leaving the company why not have a last meal with you, as it's your victory you finally made me leave the company" I said in a sarcastic tone and laughed.

He made a regretful face on my words and said.
" Ya ! . . .
You are right.
I wanted you to leave but before . .. " giving me a calm look he continued.

" But not anymore" I rased my eye on his word is he serious he doesn't want me to leave I was surprised.

"Anyways let's have a seat" saying this he pulled out a chair for me to sit .

'What the actual fuc. . .
From where all these gentlemen skills are coming out all of sudden' I thought.

Not over reacting in front of him I just said "Thank you" and sat down.

"By the way how was your day " he asked me while seating in his chair and called for waiter.

"Well It was nice and I had a lot of fun.
what about you ?
How was your day?" I asked him.

"Well it was usual nothing interesting" he answered.

Soon a waiter came to our table and he first gave me the menu and was looking at me in a flirty way and said.

"What would you like to order mam" ignoring him I started going through the menu.

Suddenly I heard Mr Raichand say" Well if you are done checking her out then take my order too" he said in a hard tone and gave him a stern look.

Hearing his voice I looked up.

"I am sorry sir please tell me what would you like to have " he said bending down in apologized manner and took our order and ran in fear .

It was kind of a funny situation but as I cannot piss him off by laughing in front of him I kept quite.

"So what have you decided Alison" Mr Raichand asked.

"Huh ?
Decided about what ?" I asked.

"About you leaving" he said.

Well I haven't given a thought to it much but it all depends on tomorrow's presentation so why not just enjoy the evening"I said.

Soon our order arrived and it was brought by some other waiter and like that we talked some more. . . . . .


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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