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Jay Pov

After the deal with Alison I started working on some important documents.

Today's schedule was not much hectic as all the meetings were done only the paper work left.

Suddenly my cellphone started ringing watching the caller ID. I got a huge smile on my face.

"Hey buddy, how are you ?
And when are you coming man ? " I asked.

" Hey bro I am in your mansion right now.
Waiting for you bro, so when are you coming home" he asked .

"Are you serious, when did you come back ? Well I have some paper work pending but I will be there in 1 hour"

"Ok man see you soon" with that he ended the call.

Completing my work I left my office. On my way towards the elevator I saw Alison cabin lights on.

I glanced at my watch it's 9:20 pm.

"Is she still working" I just hope that she doesn't overdo it.

Getting into the parking lot I started my car and went home.

Getting inside I saw two pizza box with coke on the table and my childhood besti Abhay Walker coming out of the kitchen.

"Hey Abhay I missed you buddy" giving him a hug I said.

After mom dads death my responsibilities were taken by Abhay's parents . Her mom and my mom were best friends.

She is like a mother figure to me.

"Me too bro, by the way Maa misses you a lot. She told me to inform you to come and meet her soon.
Before she comes here and drag you there by her own " we both laugh sitting in the couch.

" Yes man I will " I said.
" By the way what took you soo long there, I mean you were supposed to come here soon after that project"

"Well well well I have great news for you" he said.

I was curious and patiently waiting for him to continue.

" Well I fell in love with the most beautiful woman in Paris " he said.

I was beyond shocked when he said that.

Is this really the Abhay I know or some ghost. I mean the biggest womanizer and bad boy of the town fell in love I am shocked.

I started asking him all the questions coming in my mind and started telling me everything.

Having the pizza we talked for some more time and went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up with good mood and got ready for work.

Coming down I saw Abhay on the dining table for breakfast.

"Hey man join in I will also leave in some time, have to take care of some work" he said.

We both had our breakfast and left for work.

Once I reached the front gate.

I got a text from Leena asking me to come for some party tonight.

Coming out of the car I texted her "I'm busy" as I don't want to waste my time with her.

On my way to the elevator I saw Alison standing there and waiting.

She is wearing a cute dress today,
Going beside her I pressed my elevator button and waited.

She is wearing a cute dress today, Going beside her I pressed my elevator button and waited

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