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Completing the work I went home and got my luggage ready.

It was 2:30 am
I still had a few hours before the flight, so I slept for sometime .

At 4:45 am I woke up and got ready.

I couldn't sleep properly last night, because lots of thoughts were running inside my head.

1 . Alison wanted to quit because of my rude behaviour.
2 . The Arms deal which Abhay is taking care of.
3 . The meeting for the new arms deal.
4 . Finally the presentation of California hotel.

All these thoughts were running in my head.

"Nothing should go wrong in any of this work" with that thoughts we left for the Airport.

Soon we reached the Airport, I have sent Robert to pick up Alison so they must be on their way.

Settling down I started working on my laptop, as usual the hostess were lusting on me and gossiping.

Soon Alison came in watching her I observed she looks tired, maybe because of the last min presentation work.
So I asked her about the presentation.

She made an annoyed face and, answered confidently saying that she has prepared everything and settled down.

Soon we were on air and the girls were talking about me again.

I was ignoring them totally but suddenly I heard Alison telling them things.

She took my fiancee's  name to scare them and said a few things.

Well !

It did help, because soon everyone left from there and started working and din even for once glanced at me.

I could see the victory smile on her face.

I was looking at her all this time, when she noticed me staring she immediately stopped smiling and started acting as if she is working.

I smiled at her silly behaviour.

'Does she care if anyone gets interested in me' I thought looking at her.

After landing we reached at our destination.

Taking the rooms key we went to our particular rooms, before going inside.

I informed her that she can rest for the day and the presentation will be held tomorrow .

Informing her I went inside my room and got ready for the Arms deal.

Ring. . . Ring . . . . .

It was Ray's call so I answered it.

"Yes, Ray I'm on the way I will be there soon" I informed him.

" Jay I have a news, there is a new gang in the market with the name of 'Nights' they are colabing with the chains and are making a new army against us" he said

"They are even trying to convince the dealers, that they are more capable for the deal.
Someone has spread the news of our warehouse incident.
We will have to do something before we lose the deal" he informed me.

"Fanculo !
Dont worry I'm on my way" with that I left the hotel.

While leaving I informed Robert to take care of Alison, and escort her wherever she wants to go.

Reaching the location I met Ray and asked him.

"Where are they".

" This way, come with me "saying that he went inside a club and started heading to the main office on the VIP floor.

Entering inside I saw 3 known and 2 unknown faces.

watching me enter one of the men got up immediately from his chair.

" Mr Damien, what a pleasant surprise to have you here.
Sir, Please have a seat "
saying that he took out a chair for me.

I can see the room getting in to complete silence in my entry, and even saw people gulping in fear.

"I have heard, that you people want to reconsider about the Arms deal with us " crossing my legs I asked, staring at the dealers.

Diverting my attention to the 2 new faces I continued.

"And you are even considering the new comers in the market.
Hmm . . .. that's something new to hear" I asked Smirking at him.

"No . . No. . . Mr Damien, there is no chance that we would do such a thing.
The deal was already sealed with Mr Ray, I was even going to call him to confirm it"
he said in fear.

Suddenly one of the guy spoke,
" What the fuck is wrong with you Aldo, you said clearly right now that you will do the deal with the Nights.
Why are you denying it now?" He asked in anger.

Hearing him I just gave a look to Aldo as if to explain.

"What rubbish are you talking about Mac
I would never betray Mr Damien and we never agreed on any such things so don't lie.

. . . . and leave from here right now I m not selling you any guns" he said in fear.

Getting angry the guy with Mac took out his gun and was about to shoot Aldo.

But in an instant Ray shot both of them to death.

I saw Aldo looking scared as hell .

"Easy . . . Easy. . . . . . Ray you are scaring Aldo and I don't think.

Mr. Aldo need our help he can help himself out, very well from all the situation.

Mr. Aldo " I asked him in a sarcastic ton.

" I'm very sorry Mr Damien, in the greediness of earning more money.

I wanted to accept there offer but I assure you that this will never happen again.

Please forgive me . . . .

Please. . . Please . . . . "

he said getting on his knees.

"Well I don't think so there will be any next time Aldo.

If you continue with the attitude towards business, I m afraid we won't be able to save you" I said.

"Please Mr Damien, please I beg you" saying that he hold my legs.


I give you a last chance, the advance Arms should be exported by the end of this week.

Ray is the in-charge of the deal, and as you know how hot head he is, I don't think so I will be able to save you next time from him" saying that I left from his office.

Coming out I said "Ray now you take things from here, and find out about this new gang soon"

I am on it and don't worry I will inform you soon" with that I started leaving when he said.

"Jay don't forget you have to attend this important ball event which is in the coming 2 days " he informed.

I will go there don't worry. I will take a leave now, call me if you need me" saying that I left from there and went to the hotel.

It was 7pm till the time I reached to the hotel.

Once I reached the lobby I met Robert and he informed me about everything Alison did for the day and she is waiting for me to have dinner.

It was strange to know she was waiting for me so after getting fresh I went to the rooftop off the hotel for dinner as informed.

When I entered the restaurant a beautiful woman standing on the balcony side caught my attention I was facing her back.

Going near her I saw her face and was fantasized by her look .
. . .


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