#10 GUN SHOT 2

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Watching Alison there, I was beyond shocked.

I wanted to watch her from far only to create less mess between us but when I saw a man approaching her.

My legs started moving towards her by themselves .

Even before he could touch her, I was standing behind her.

Holding her waist, I pulled her closer to me and gave a look to that man to fuck off.

Feeling a presence behind her, she stood still for sometime but then started dancing again.

She was enjoying the music and suddenly she started grinding her hip against me.

I wondered, "Damn, what is she doing" I was already turned on by her outfit.

Which is giving her body a perfect shape, and she is looking damn sexy in it.

I brought her closer to me while giving her a tight squeeze and kissed her neck.

Her skin was so soft, she let out a moan when I kissed her.

I can see her chest rising and falling as she breathes harder.

Going near I whispered in her ears to stop her actions of seducing me or else I will fuck her and I know she don't want that.

She squeezed her leg hearing my words and getting turned on.

As if recognizing my voice she turned around quickly and was above to fall, but I was quick enough to hold her back.

I could see she was totally wasted but how much did she drink to get in this state, and is she with someone.

With whom she might have even came here with.

Thinking that suddenly we heard a gun shot. Someone has attacked Abhay club it must be the Chain gang from New York wrong timing.

"Fuck" cursing the situation.

I look down at Alison in my arms she looks worried, I quickly carried her out.

I need her to get out of this mess before she gets hurt.

When I was carrying her out she informed me her friend was inside bringing her out we went near my car.

I told her, I will find her friend but 1st she need to be out here because she is drunk.

But Alison being Alison jump down of my arms and started arguing with me.

Can't this woman for once give me a break.

I was getting annoyed by her behaviour then all of a sudden she pushed me a side.

"What the hell . . . . . ."

I was going to shout at her but while falling down I heard a gun shot and hear Alison scream.

Turning around I saw a mask man holding a gun and aiming at the place where I was standing before.

The bullet hit near Alison and making her fall with the effect .

I quickly took out my gun to shoot him but heard one more gun shot and saw the mask man was lying death on the floor.

Looking up I saw Abhay shot him in his head from behind.

Hearing Alison scream from before I quickly rushed to her side and checked for any possible wound.

Luckily she just got a cut in her hand because of the fall and the bullet just passed by her.

Suddenly a blonde girl came rushing towards us from behind Abhay.

She cryed out calling her name she might be her friend she asked me to save.

I scold her for being stupid and putting her life in risk but Abhay stopped me.

"Bro not now we need to take her to the mansion quickly. I will inform the doctor to come soon let's get her wound treated first"
he informed me I saw her loosing consciousness it got me worried.

I quickly carried her to my car.

Abhay came behind me with her friend she sat with him in front.

I took Alison in the back seat and we quickly headed towards my mansion.

Reaching the mansion, I rushed with her in my arms towards my room and laid her down on the bed.

I informed the doctor to check on her and treat her wound and went out and let the doctor to do the treatment.

While we were waiting outside the room I saw Abhay hugging the girl and comforting her .

'Do they know each other ?' I thought.

I saw them with a confused face.

Watching me confused Abhay came to me and said " She is the girl I wanted you to meet she is Anaya my girlfriend.
I wanted this moment to be perfect but turns out the chains are messing with us again we need to show them their place" he said angrily.

"We will solve this matter later first let the situation get handled" I told him.

After some time the Doctor came out of my room and informed us.

"She is alright Mr. Raichand just got a scratch on her palm. She will need some good bed rest over all she is fine" saying that the doctor left from there.

Abhay informed me that he will take Anaya to his room to rest and told me to get some rest too with that they both left from there.

I went to the guest room and got fresh.

After some time I went inside my room to check on her.

I saw her sleeping peacefully.

I approached her and sat on the edge of the bed, bringing my hand close to her.

I gently pushed a lock of hair from her face.

I just sat there admiring her beauty, "Why are you so stubborn always and keep messing around me ?"

She appears to be strong but she is so delicate that sometimes I'm afraid to touch her.

I still recall the day I dragged her out of my office holding her wrist because I became enraged during our arguments.

Later, I saw purple marks where I had held her just a few minutes ago.

I don't know, why but I was feeling very guilty that day for what I did.

She is so fragile that she is easy to break, but still she is stronger form inside.

After spending some more time with her, I left the room and went to the guest room to get some rest.

Early in the morning I heard a scream coming from my room where Alison is .

I quickly Rush towards the room and saw her . . . . . . . . .

To Be Continued. . . . .

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