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It's been a month now, I haven't for a second gave Alison the time to rest.

I even Informed Rose to reschedule my routine with the new instruction and hand it over to Alison.

I scheduled the day with my regular things and added some more work which was not even needed but just to annoy her.

1. My black coffee with no sugar from John's Cafe should be on my table by 9:00
2. Preparing my meals when ever I am hungry.
3. Scheduling meetings for me with my investor, associates and some personal.
4. Reminding me of my dates and sending flowers and note to them and even booking good places for the date.
5. Handling all my dates and hookups mess.
6. Accompaning me with all the bussines meetings and trip.

It's lovely to watch her get angry every time. I mess her perfect work and tell her to redo it.

Knowing very well how short temper she is. Its even fun to see the cute faces she makes when she gets irritated.

I thought this was enough to make her quit the job by her self.

But again here she proved me wrong.

I mean this girl is something different from my expectations.

She never let her self down or back away from arguing with me when she thinks she is right.

I practically made her life a living mess, but still she works as If it doesn't bother her for once.

One day I gave her files to make copies of, which later on I didn't even glance for once and told her to throw them as it was not in use.

That time I saw her getting angry I thought she was just gonna quit.

Yet she said nothing and did as I told her. she never forgets to stunt me by her behaviour.

In that one month I did my best to make her quit.

One day in the afternoon she got in a heated conversation with Leena in my office. When I asked them about it, Leena just started with her blame game telling she did that, she did this and all but her on the other side, she just ignored it and said its her mess and she can handle it .

That day I saw a different Alison with a spark. Which urged me to know more about her.

Today I had a meeting with my investor and I don't need her for today's meeting, as It was a deal closer  meeting so I just let her be.

I took my personal elevator and went to the 50th floor. Where the meeting was held, entered the meeting room I saw everyone already there for the presentation.

There were total four people in the room Mr Thomas , Clara his assistant and more two investors Lucas and Nancy.

Taking my seat I told Ms. Rose to start the meeting.

She started explaining all the designs and plans to them. After some time, people started whispering from my left side.

I heard someone say.

"This is the exact design like him"
one in black blazer said (Lucas).

"Did they copy it "
the women beside him Said (Nancy).

Then suddenly Mr. Thomas stopped Rose from talking any further and made the lights on.

"Whats going on Mr. Raichand ?
We are here to see your design not someone else"
he said facing me .

I looked at him confused "Mr Thomas this is my design only " I informed him to clear his doubts.

I just looked at is face why is he so confused is there anything wrong.

Then suddenly he took out his laptop and started typed something on it and shared it on the big screen.

I turned my attention to the screen and was shocked to see the same design presented by the name of Roni King.

My biggest rival and the only heir of Kings Enterprise.

How the hell is that even possible !

Mr Thomas told me Kings submitted this design one week ago and have even finished half of the work on his new restuarant.

"I think there is some misunderstanding, Mr Raichand I think you should once again check with your team " he said.

I was a lot angry. He just wants to bring my project down and that is the only reason, he like an idiot copy all half of my hotel design for his silly restaurant.

How can someone be so dumb.

Hearing the whispering again I glance at them and dismiss the meeting because I was beyond angry .

I informed them " We will reschedule a meeting at the end of this month" saying that I left the room.

I just couldn't believe what i saw.

How is that even possible he submitted the same design that to on the day we completed it.

I entered my cabin with a bang and started placing around the room.

I swear if this is something to do with Alison messing around with me. Just  because of how I treated her this whole month.

Then I m going to burry her 6 feet under this building .

I called her to my cabin immediately and told her everything that happened.

She was standing there dumb fold in front of me.
This means she dosen't have a single idea about it.

She told me that she will take care of the situation.

At 1st I was angry, but later on got assumed by her confidence and ideas to solve this matter.

At first I was in thoughts but seeing her confident about it. I gave her the chance. She assured me she will try to do better and design it .

I trusted her as she has knowledge in that particular field, but I love to challenge her.

So we made a deal on it now, let see how much more can she tolerate me .....

To Be Continue . . . . . . .

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