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I was done with the design and even have sent the mail to Mr.Raichand.

So I started preparing to leave. When a message popped up showing I received an email, a revert from him.

He sent me some changes and informed me, that I will have to present the design to the investor this time, as it is my designs.

"Is this man taking revenge on me? Because after all his torture now he wants me to prepare a ppt on this design for investors and I even have to present it to them in such a lesser time" .

"God please save me from this crazy man "

Leaving the rest of the work aside.
I then again started working on the design presentation.

I don't remember when I fell asleep while working.

Suddenly I felt a feather type of touch on side of my head it felt good.

Hmm . . it feels Soo good . . .
Feather touch  . . . . .

Wait a second.

Where am I ?

With that thought, I suddenly opened my eye and got shock seeing Mr.Raichand in front of me.
I backed away from his touch in an instant.

Where the hell did he came from'

" I . .um . What are you doing here, Mr. Raichand?" I asked him baffled by his presence.

He said that he came to inform me that we have to go to France tomorrow, and the presentation will be done there.

Saying that he began to leave but stopped in the mid-way and told me to go home and rest.

After he went I gathered all my designs, laptop and left the cabin locking it behind.

Arriving at home I messaged Anaya informing her about me leaving for France tomorrow for a business trip.

I was eager to go to France but for vacation not for business.

As if now I don't have any chance to go there anytime soon, So why not a business trip be the chance for me.

Thinking that I got fresh and started packing my bag, as I wont get time in the morning.

Once done with the packing I set my alarm and went to sleep.

I was soo tired plus It felt like I slept for few mins only because my alarm went off on 5 am and I groan in frustration.

I din wanted to leave my bed but I will have to.

Soon getting ready I came down with my bags and office materials.

While having my coffee I waited for his driver to come. Few minutes later I heard a knock on the door.

Opening the door I saw a middle age man in full black costume standing there.

" Good Morning Maam,
My name is Robert Rome.
I am Mr. Raichands driver.
I am here to pick you up for the airport, so shall we" he asked me politely.

" Good Morning Mr. Rome,
Yes ! I am ready let me get my luggage please" I informed him.

"Please mam call me Robert, and don't worry I will take your luggage you may go a head" saying that he picked my bags and loaded in the car.

Sitting in the car we left to the airport. The car stopped in front of a private jet on the runway.


This man truly has a lot of money. The Jet was so beautiful, soon I was guided inside by the air hostess.

Getting inside I saw Mr Raichand already seated in his seat.

Watching me he asked,
" I hope you are all prepared for the presentation Ms. Williams "

Rolling my eye I sat in to the chair opposite to him and answered.

"Yes ! Mr Raichand,
I'm ready for the presentation but first I would like you to have a look at the final worksheet" I said in a boring tone.

"Sure" he said.

Soon the pilot announced for the take off and to fastened our seatbelt.

Once we were on the Air.

I started arranging all my presentation work, and Mr Raichand was also busy in his laptop.

While working, I heard some whispering coming.

Looking up I saw some of the hostesses staring at him and talking about something.

Getting curious about their talks I made an excuse and went to the washroom.

Going inside I could hear there gossips .

1st one said
" Damn he is soo hot, I cant take my eyes off him"

2nd one
"Yes ! exactly I just want to Roam my hands on his body, he looks so delicious"

Huh ?
Delicious ?
Is he a food or what, I thought.

When another woman said " I am just wondering, how good he must be on bed "

Hearing all the things I just got cringed and irritated so I came out.

Passing by from there I informed them  " Well I m sorry girl but he is already taken ".

They all turned to me in shock and were apologizing.

"Ooh !

Please don't be sorry, actually he already has a fiancee, and she is a real life bitch believe me"

"Thank to God that it was just me because
If by any chance she would had heard you all talk "

"God knows what she would had done with you all, so please be carefull girl"

Saying that I went to my seat with a silly smile on my face .

Soon they all vanished from there.

I started laughing silently looking at the window.

But my laughter vanished once when I saw Mr Raichand staring right at me.

'Shit !
Why is he staring at me ?
I hope he didn't hear everything ?'

Thinking that I looked back on my laptop and started working again.

The flight took us 2 hours & 14 min to reach  France .

Soon we reached our destination and went to the hotel.

Reaching hotel we were allotted with our particular rooms, when i was headding inside the room Mr. Raichand stoped me and said.

"Take rest for the day tomorrow we have the meeting with the investors"

thank you" saying that I went inside.

His room was in front of me only.

Entering my room I saw a very beautiful view.

The view was awesome after taking the whole room tour

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The view was awesome after taking the whole room tour.

I changed into my shorts and went to sleep . . . . . . . . . . . .


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