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Present day ......

Telephone of my cabin started ringing.

Picking up the call I greeted knowing very well who must had call me

"Good Morning Mr. Raichand , How can I help you? "

"In my cabin now " he shouted on the call .

"Damn! what is his problem ?" I kept the phone away and headed for his cabin mummering to myself.

'Always shouting at me without any reason some times i feel like a child getting scolded by their parents' .

Urgh . . . .

Knocking at the door I waited for his permission.

"Come in" hearing that i went inside and saw him placing around his cabin, He looks angry , but I din do anything to annoy him this time .

He turn around and started coming towards me glancing angrily he handed me a file and asked "What the hell is this will you explain me Ms.Williams"

I looked at him and then at the file in my hand and notice it was the design paper of the new hotel project at California .

But why is he showing me this? I looked at him dumbfold as in reading my face he took the file and opened it showing me the papers and throwing it in the air.

He shouted angrily " Today I had a meeting, with the investor for the last closer and guess WHAT I GOT TO KNOW ? that my project, The same project on which we are working for 4 fucking years which is gonna launch few months from now,  its design has been leaked to my rival company".

I got soo confused and shocked after listening him, i mean how is that even possible it was totally confidencial document how can it get leak.

Glaring at me.

He asked me fuming in anger with a calm tone (must say, trying to be calm )

"So Ms Williams will you honor me by informing how did this happen" by now I m scared as hell of his anger.

(He looks like the calm before the storm)

He looks like a ticking boom who is gonna explode anytime. I maintain some distance between us "Sorry sir , but - - I - - really have no idea how did this happen, I kept the file in the locker as per your instructions and did not even touched it for once after that " I told him the truth.

He knocked the chair out of his way in anger and said "Then how the hell did this design got leaked to my rivals How? As much I remember all my files are given to you to keep it securely " he said eyeing me angrily as if I am the culprit.

He is accusing me for this situation.

Hearing him say that I lost it "how the hell can you blame me for it, I know that this situation is bad and - - a-  lot worse but I will never betray my work and you also have the key to all the lockers " I was frustrated with his blame game .

"So do you mean to say, I leaked my work and i am purposely blaming it on you" he eyed me with annoyance.

Maybe , you can do anything you are insane I thought as if knowing what I am thinking he got irritated by my attitude.

He again shouted in anger "Are you seriously that stupid or happen to be it from the beginning" he said insulting me .

"Such an jerk" he heard me saying that .


"What's the point" I asked irritated .

"The point is that Ms. Williams I m not that stupid to let my years of hard work go wasted for a stupid assistant to show her there place " he said.

I just looked at his annoyed face and thought.

Actually ! he is right for a second, he won't stoop that low for a stupid revenge by making his own loss.

As if reading my face he understood that i know he is right and turning around he sat in his chair angrily, I exhaled a deep breath and went near his desk and spoke calmly.

"See Mr.Raichand instead of arguing and blaming each other we should find a solution for it".

"Do you think it is that easy?
Can you design the whole hotel interiors again just in three weeks, Can you? "  He glance at me with a boring look.

"You cant even complete a single task properly, so stop giving me stupid suggestion" .

Getting proverk by his words looking in to his eyes I said "Yes I will do it " .

Wait what the actual fuck,
am I doing how will this happen,
he is right i m seriously stupid "GOD".

Banging his hand on the desk annoyed he stood up and said "Is this a joke to you ".

No it is not but - wait a second .

What the hell is his problem when i am ready to solve the issue still he is getting angry.

"No i am serious about it and i will do it" I dont know why i am suddenly getting in to  all challanging mode with him but now i have to prove him wrong.

He looked surprised by my sudden determination but was quick enough to hide it with a smirk.

Damn this guy i soo badly want to wipe away that stupid sexy smirk from his face, but i can't because we both know that I am in a deep trouble right now.

"Ooh! I see, and how are you gonna do that can I know" he was still smirking at me.

What now you are not angry Mr Hulk god he is so confusing rolling my eye on him i said.

"Well i have done interior design course in my college, I can design and give you a whole new look for the hotel in some weeks. I will prepare the design and than we can start working on it " i said firmly.

He looked annoyed and impressed  my present of mind for solution but decided to taunt me as per his nature.

"Ms. Alison Williams guessing that you very well know that this is not some stupid college project you are working on, this is a 10 million dollar project which can't be ruined by a tiny little girls insane idea".

Well it's time for me to show you what I can do Mr. Raichand, Smirking at him I replied "Well you don't need to worry about it Mr.Raichand all the design will be 1st approved by you before it gets any further". I said

"Then I guess I should wish you luck for it because , if you don't come up on my expectations than you will be fired by the company, and I think you very well know getting fired by RAICHANDS company mean no another job in this country"He said challenging me he very well know how to haunt people.

"Fine Mr.Raichand let's make a deal than. If I don't complete the project on the decided launching date than you can happily fire me but , what if I complete my project on time? then what " I said leaning on the desk with one hand.

Watching me taking his challenge "Well if you complete the project on time than I will double your salary and you will get a lot of privilege to join the other projects too. what say then its a deal "he said bringing his hand in front of me .

Well thats look like a great price with big opportunity to prove my ablities.
"Good ! Than it's a deal" i said taking his hand and sealing the deal with a handshake and holding, the eye contact with him to know i m ready for his challenge.


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