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After the deal i came to my cabin and sat in my chair, and started planing how i will start my work.

Analysing the old design in my office for 4 hours, I finally started doing the design again from the old one's I got an idea of there texture and then i started doing the New design as per my knowledge.

Beep . . Beep . . Beep

My phone started ringing I sight and relaxed in my seat and saw the time it was 10:30 pm.

Great ! i was so much in to work that i lost the count on time.

I saw the caller ID on my phone its mom.

I picked it up "Hey , mom whatsup"

"Dear when are you coming home you know it's already 10:30pm, Your working shift usually ends at 7:00 right" she asked.

"Yes mom I know but I am caught up with some important project so for few days I will have to work till late night, But anyways I m just done for today I will be on my way soon".

I informed her as I know how much she worries about me.

Making her satisfied with my answer i end the call and saw the design i was working on.

"Damn ! I am soo tired i have been fucking working from the afternoon with out eating anything , Yet I have just finished Parking and Lobby design only"

" GOD this guy and project is going to be the death of me"

" GOD this guy and project is going to be the death of me"

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Satisfying with the design I kept the papers in my purse and left the office locking the door behind. I cant do the same mistake of leaving my design in the office as it is not safe here anymore.

Coming out of my office i saw no one on the floor, seems like i am the only one working this late, getting inside my car i started the car and left from the parking lot .

On my way home i just kept thinking about the design getting leak, I mean how did that happen this is very serious issue which I will have to see personally as it have draged me in this situation and it might ruin my image in the company.

Once I finish this project I will look for the culprit by my self and show Mr Raichand that i am not in the fault and make him apologies to me.

Reaching near home I saw a car and sports bike parked near my house. Parking my car I ran inside the house and jump on the two morons talking to my mom about something.

"Aaahhhhhh I missed you fuckers sooo much " screaming and hugging them I said.

They both laugh and hugged me back with the same excitement.

"LANGUAGE ALISON " mom scold me giving me a deadly glare, Showing her a silly smile I mouthed sorry then she went back to what she was cooking, and turning around i saw my two hot peace besties .

"When did you guys came back from Paris" I asked them while sitting on the couch.

Anaya Watson and Rick Watson are my school times best buddy.

We all grew up together did schooling and graduation together we are kind of a family.

"We just arrived today evening and decided to crash at your house directly after dumping our laugage. Damn girl it's been a year we missed you a lot "said Anaya shifting beside me and hugging.

"Yaa right! that's why you din wanted to leave Paris" said Rick with an annoying look on his face.

Anaya smack his head cursing "Shutup sickhead" well watching mom in the kitchen I heard her weird curse.

Laughing on there stupidity I just sight I m soo happy to see my besties her.

"So what's going on with you sexy pants you have not contact us this whole month ,what's wrong ? " Rick ask and both there attention turned to me .

" Well guys I got a job at RAICHAND'S" I said.

Hearing me Anaya shouted in shock and excitement in her voice "WHAT ? YOU MUST BE KIDDING ME" watching her reaction Rick just rolled his eyes and told me to continue.

Like that i told them everything and they had this mixed emotion on there face.

Rick was a lot angry and on the other side Anaya was just fantasizing something God knows what, by the look on Rick face i can say he dosent like this Raichand already .

Anaya said suddenly, "Isn't he the same Raichand people gossip about the hot bachelor of the Richand family, Man i have seen his picture and he is so damn hot it must be really amazing working with him?"

Is she kidding me i mean, i agree the rumors are true and he is indeed hot but working with him and fun, no way.

In between our chit chat mom called us for dinner today she cooked some lasagna with rosted chicken.

We all sat and had our dinner with some more funny stories of their trip  before going to bed .
As from childhood we used to do night out like this so having the privilege of king size bed in my room to fit 5 people in it is always a plus point.

We all got into bed and Talked for some more time and fell asleep .

I was sleeping between these two, Anaya slept cuddling me and , on the other hand Rick slept with the blanket on his face.

This was a happy night for me after a horrible long day.

Well guys I will write about Mr.Raichand pov In the next chapter to let you people know more about him ..

Thanks for reading .

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