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"Aly, wake up ! "

"Aly . . . . ..  "

"You're gonna be late again" .

"A L I S O N N "

Mom shouted loudly from downstairs.

URGH MOM . . . . . . . I woke up with frustration.

"Yes mom ! I am up, Now can you please stop shouting"

Rubbing my eye I looked at the table watch.


"Shoot mom is right , I am gonna be late for work. I have to reach  Mr.Raichand cabin at (9:00) with a coffee on his desk"

Immediately rushing to the bathroom, i did my morning business and got ready for work.

Wearing a simple green dress, I went down and greeted mom.

Not having much time to do the breakfast I said my goodbye and kissed her cheeks .

"Have a good day dear " she said kissing me back coming out I saw my car in the driveway clean and neat.

Well we are not Millionaires but we live a pretty good life and This car was a gift from my dad before he died so this is my favorite car.

Starting my car I headed straight to my destination THE JOHN'S CAFE to buy the coffee, parking my car in the usual spot i got in.

This cafe has the best taste, people from different places come to taste their cafe items .

Entering the Café I saw the usual crowd.

So I waited for my turn, reaching the counter I saw Sid and greeted him.

"Good Morning Sid "

"Very Good Morning beautiful, here to pick your usual right a black coffee with no sugar" he asked

I smiled and nodded my head and waited for my order.

Sid is the owner of this cafe, he is rich, friendly and handsome every woman dies to be his girl or to get just a chance to date him .

But he chose to ignore everything and work as a normal person in his own cafe, he says he likes to spend time here, "such a humble guy he is.... ".

Soon I collected my order. Saying goodbye I left for RAICHANDS building opposite the lain.

I started walking towards the elevator and looked at my watch to check the time (8:55) .

"Mr. Raichand is gonna fire me for sure today" muttering to myself I entered the elevator and pressed for the 55th floor.

Feeling the elevator move slowly to the floor my anxiety kicked in " Damn, this is not the right time to panic" I tried to calm myself.

After reaching the floor I got out and noticed that I had just one minute left.

I rushed to his cabin and knocked on the door two times.

After getting no reply I peaked my head inside and sighted as I saw no one there.

Entering inside the cabin I placed the coffee on his table and left .

Coming out of his cabin, I met Rose.

Greeting her with a smile I went in my cabin and relaxed for some time.

Sitting on the chair, I started thinking about how I ended up getting here in this mess.

I thought getting this job would be fun and exciting but being in his watch all the time , nothing can be interesting I can't forget the day he entered my life.

To be continued

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