Key watched his mom and sister die.Key got raped by three of his best friends.Key tried to kill himself and got told to do it properly the next time.On top of all this Key's boss is annoying and might fire Key because of his disabilities and mental...
Today was the worst day of my life, and it all started when I entered the living room. I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't hallucinating or dreaming, but I wasn't, I still saw blood everywhere. I followed the bloody footprints, and they led me to my parent's room, where I heard my dad yelling. I was going to mind my business because the last time I attempted to help they both got mad at me for some reason, so I went to leave. Then I heard something that sounded a lot like a gunshot, followed by my mother's scream. Rage filled my body at the thought that my mother might die. I turned back to the door, and I opened it with a shove of my shoulder. I was now facing to face with my dad who held a handgun with blood splashed on his shirt and my mom who was on the floor going in and out of consciousness. I grabbed the lamp that had fallen on the floor and I ran at my dad and hit him, making him fall back and lose grip of the gun. My dad made a grab for the gun, but I grabbed his leg "get the hell off me" he shouted as he used his free hand to push my face away, but I bite his hand and he recoiled "you fucking bitch" he kicked me in the head and I let go of him in shock. My dad grabbed the gun, held it to my head and I closed my eyes but as always, my dad has to comment on everything he waved the gun against my head then said, "fuck you and your bitch ass mother I hope you guys both go to hell" something clicked in my head and I opened my eyes to look at him then I smiled, and he cocked the gun.... ************************************ I walked into my job "you're late" one of my co-workers snapped at me, I turned to them and rolled my eyes "nice of you to keep track of that" I pushed past him. I went to go clock in and change into my uniform. Someone yelled at me "Key table two is ready to order" I sighed as I put my phone away and put on a smile then went to table two. I said in a soft voice "hi my name is Key I will be your wait-" one of the girls interrupted me and said "your name is Key that is weird no offense" I sighed "offense taken now please order". The girl and the person at the table both looked at the menu. The girl said, "I will have the chef salad" I nodded while writing it down. The person next to her said, "I will have a bacon burger with no onions and extra mustard please, and thanks" I wrote that down too and went back to put in the order. It had only been a few seconds before the same person yelled for me again, "Key table ten needs a refill on drinks" I sighed and walked to the kitchen to fill a pitcher with the preferred drinks. I walked to table ten with three pitchers in my hands, walking carefully, so they wouldn't spill. When I got there, I poured the drinks "hey you're cute" I looked at who was talking to see it was one of the girls at the table "thanks" I said, unsure if she was being nice or rude. The girl smiled "hey I am having a party tonight you should come! give me your number" I nodded "sure, but I have to put these pitchers back so give me a minute" the girl nodded. I left, it has been a long time since I had a friend, I hope I don't mess this up. I put the pitchers away then walked back to the table and the girl smirked "I didn't think you'd come back cutie" I looked down when she said cutie (I am not cute) I looked back at her when she cleared her throat "oh right sorry here is my number" I grabbed a piece of paper out of my apron and wrote it down then gave her the paper. The bell rang signaling I had another order and the girl hummed "I will be seeing you later" I nodded and she waved bye to me as I left.
I stood in front of the address that the girl had given me and I knocked, then waited for someone to open the door. A girl opened the door and I immediately recognized her as one of the girls at the table. She had light blond hair and wore glasses that fit perfectly on her face. She was about 5'7.
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The girl smiled at me, "I didn't think you were going to come"! She motioned for me to come in, "my name is Wren" she pulled me to follow her into a room that smelled of drugs and gunpowder for some reason. I looked around the room and spotted the girl who had given me her number. She had blue hair, and gages in her ears.
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Wren looked at me and said "that is Marlo but people call her Mar" the girl with blue hair Marlo raised her head from her phone and winked at me "glad you could make it hot stuff" I blushed but Wren just rolled her eyes "let's go we got a party to crash".