I wanna be your pet....

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POV: Wren

I want us to be a family so bad after everything that has happened in my life I finally had everything I had a wonderful girlfriend soon be my wife and hopefully a baby boy. I Remember meeting Marlo I Remember it like it was just two weeks ago.

A/N: yes font is intended and Wren is telling a story about how she and Marlo met.

I was walking back to my dorm after my cheer meeting don't get me wrong I hate cheer but girls weren't allowed to play football or any sports for that matter. As I was walking I heard screaming "Go to hell bitch you can't-"
I turned around in my steps and followed the crowd of kids who were running to the gymnastics room.
I pushed past the kids who were yelling and throwing stuff like books and food one person even throw a shoe. I asked the guy at the very front "hey what's the matter with everyone" he laughed "you didn't hear that girl had a breakdown or whatever and while she was knocked out one of the boys assault her.  I frowned I hate boys and men, not all of them but most of them. I looked at the girl who the guy pointed to and it was like time itself slowed down. She had midnight black hair with streaks of white she had a nose ring and I am pretty sure I saw a tongue ring. "You dumb bitch" I was pulled back as the boy threw a book at the girl and it hit her knocking her down. The girl was pushed up against the lock by the boy "hey Fred didn't you say you had a crush on this girl" the boy Fred nodded Danny grinned then yelled to him "get in the fucking room asshole" Fred nodded and scurried into the classroom then Danny pushed the girl in too "Fred you have until I say do as you wish" I covered my ears as I heard the door slam then I walked away not wanting to hear or see anything else.


A/N: Font intended this is still the story but Wren is now talking about the part where BDSM got involved.

I and Marlo have been dating for over four months and it was going great until one night when we started fighting. Marlo tugged on my shirt "ugh you never talk to me you're so private I mean yes mystery is hot but talk to me" I turned to her and gently peeled her hand away from my sleeve this has been going on for a week and I was getting tired of it "will you stop I have told you everything Mar" she frowns and shook her head "you have been acting super weird lately and I am going to start accusing you of cheating so talk" I sighed.

I sat her down and looked at her "okay so I am technically keeping a secret but only because I don't want you to" she stopped me "babe I am not going to break up with you just tell me" I rolled my eyes and said "you know what the term BDSM means" I caught her smiling but her face quickly went back to a thin line and she nodded "okay well I am a" she smiled and this time she let it stay plastered on her face. I looked at her then just got it over with a said it in simple terms "I like to be treated like a pet but sometimes I like to have full control" I blushed and I excused myself to go hide in the bathroom. Marlo knocked on the door softly "you think I'm weird huh? I saw you smiling you probably think I am a freak right?" Marlo opened the door and sat by me then pulled me into a hug "oh no love I was smiling because I knew exactly where the conversation was going" I looked at her with a confused face and she ran her hand through my hair "what you think I didn't notice how happy you get when I call you a good girl or the fact that you refuse to sit on the couch unless I tell you it is okay oh and let's not forget how you follow me everywhere" I rolled my eyes at that "uh not everywhere" she looked at me then at the toilet seat "really I Remember just last week I had to kick you out of the bathroom because you tried to sit on my lap while I was using it" I crossed my arms and looked at her. Marlo got up then help me up "okay since this is covered we have to make rules but first things first you will address me as Miss or Mistress okay"   I smiled and blushed at that and nodded my head "yes Miss" and that earned me a head pat and her calling me a good girl.

Why is it that someone with such a beautiful heart prays for it to stop beating?

(866 words)

(not proof read or edited yet)

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