Not the best start

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A/N: This part contains a mild autistic meltdown mind you, I am autistic, so this is no offense to me, but if you find it offensive, please comment to let me know.  

POV: Marlo

I woke up to a crying Key, that poor boy has been crying every night for the past week. I yawned and shook Wren, who pretended to be asleep by making soft cartoon snores. “Okay, but you have to change the diapers when he starts using them okay” Wren mumbled something and I got out of bed then walked to Key's room. I looked in his crib and yelled for Wren with a worried voice “babe Key isn't in his crib”! I heard some footsteps before a tried Wren was by the door “let's look for him, I mean we both heard him crying so that means he is still in the house”. I gave her a confused look, and she just shrugged, so we started to look for our baby boy.


“Found him love” Wren yelled from the bathroom, so I ran to them excited but also kind of pissed that he didn't come when we called, but I will hear him out before I get mad. I went into the bathroom and a shaking and soaked Key sat in the bathroom giggling and babbling to himself, “what the hell”? Wren smiled shyly trying to lighten the mood “I found him trying to take a bath” I looked at her and pointed to the door “in the room now”. Wren held her head down but obeyed “yes Miss sorry Miss” and with that, she walked out of the bathroom. I bent down by the toilet “hey Key you okay” I said, allowing my soft mommy side to take over and Key looked at me and threw his head back in another fit of giggles. Damn, he must be in shock… How long was he was in the tub? I yelled for Wren who came to the door no sooner than I had called “pack a bag for Key we need to go to the ER” Wren nodded then disappeared to pack the bag. I wrapped my arms around my small, fragile baby boy and took him into my lap. “I am sorry, baby, mommy was being stupid, I shouldn't have you sleep in your room yet” I yawned as I remember that it was still only 5 in the morning. I brought Key to my chest and rocked us slowly as I watched him babble to himself and flap his hands, but soon he did end up falling asleep.

POV: Wren

I was holding Key, but it was somewhat hard because he kept rocking and trying to wriggle out of my hands. Key pushed me away “mommy” his voice was on the verge of tears again, and I wasn't about to have my baby boy cry again he has been through a lot today, so I got up and put him down on the floor “let's find mommy then” I stuck out my hand, so he could grab it then we went to look for Marlo.


“Mommy” Key tugged on my hand “mommy” he tugged on my hand again, his voice was now dry as he was hyperventilation for some reason. I bent down and rubbed his back “sh my love Mommy is right there look” and as if on cue Marlo did walk down the exact hallway “guys the doctor can take us-” she was cut off when a now sobbing Key threw himself in her arms “Mommy” he said again his voice muffled by Marlo's shirt.

Be the person you need when you
Were younger.

(626 words)

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