the coffee shop (#1)

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A/N: this contains a transphobic Karen type person

POV: Key

I yawned then turned over to look at the time 6:20 okay good I have time I got out of my bed then walked to the closet to figure out my outfit for today.
I picked out a green sweater and some black stretchy Jeans.

My phone light flashed telling me I had a message so I picked it up and open the message

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My phone light flashed telling me I had a message so I picked it up and open the message.


New Number: hey this is Wren I don't know if you sleep or not but yeah this is me text me back 🥺

I smiled at the text yes they are still my friends. That means I didn't mess up. I quickly added her to my contacts under "Wren #1" and then I went to the bathroom I will text her after I brush my teeth. I put on my timer for 2 minutes and started brushing my teeth and doing everything else.


I washed my hands and turned off my ringing timer then I went back to my room oh let me text Wren back I got my phone again and typed something to her.


Hey sorry, I am getting ready for work my bad.

The text bubbles popped up and then a message appeared.

Okay go to work I will text you later okay I have to take a shower right now anyway.

I smiled as I liked her message then turned off my phone then grabbed my backpack and walked out of my room not forgetting to lock my door.
I was walking into the back when a lady stopped me "um you're not supposed to go back there" I shook her hand off my shoulder then looked at her "I work here" she looked at my outfit "no you don't they have uniforms on" I sighed but nodded "so why don't you have yours then" she said and I replied in a low voice "I have sensory issues okay the uniform is not good for me" the lady looked at me and said in a loud voice "while you're not allowed back there till you have a uniform" I rolled my eyes when my friend from work walked out from the back. My friend said in a deep voice that shocked the lady "what is going on" I shrugged "Vin tell this lady I work here" Vin laughed "oh yeah she works her one of our best workers" the lady gaped "while young lady I do believe you are wrong that is a man" Vin looked offended "uh excuse me but I am a guy and that is a girl" hurry up lady I need to pee the lady looked at me then at Vin "you are a girl you have the features of one and you have breast" she pointed to Vin's chest and Vin quickly slapped her hand away and hide his chest "ow" the lady whine as she fell to the floor "this lady just hit me" I rolled my eyes and Vin grunted "it was a soft hit be a man about it" okay I need to pee I tugged on Vin's shirt "I need the bathroom" the lady eyed me "aw what a baby can't hold her piss" she said while getting up from the ground when she realized no one cared that she had fallen. I shook my head I can hold it. I am not a baby. I heard Vin say in a call me yet scary voice "if you can't respect how the staff identifies or the people here you must leave" The lady scoffed "and why is that God made you a girl and a girl you are" Vin sighed then said "look lady the shop is call They Them coffee for a reason no please get out" the lady glanced at me and smiled "okay I will leave" Vin nodded to her and she walked towards me and bumped into me making me fall on the floor "oops sorry I slipped you should have better maintenance around here I'll be leaving now"...

To be continued

When I was a child
I was afraid of ghosts.
As I grew up I realized that
people are more scary.

(717 words)

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