Key watched his mom and sister die.Key got raped by three of his best friends.Key tried to kill himself and got told to do it properly the next time.On top of all this Key's boss is annoying and might fire Key because of his disabilities and mental...
I had an awful dream last night about Marlo getting mad at Wren and them breaking up and leaving me, and that made me panic. But as of now all, I know is I love the fact that I got most of everyone's attention except when they are having big person play time and I think I knew what that meant, I just can't put my finger on it. The doorbell rang while I was sitting in a pen-type thing Marlo had put me in, and Marlo got up to get the door. Marlo hugged the person at the door and I tried to stand, but I fell on my butt as the pull-up I forgot I had on pulled me down “May come in” oh it was May Marlo walked over to me and I instantly stuck my hands out to her, I wanted to be close to her for some reason she felt so safe to me. Marlo looked down then picked me up and May cooed at me “aw Coda told me you were a little too” I suddenly remembered the little boy and I hid my face in Marlo's neck how did he know I was a little? I didn't even know I was a little. I am still not sure if I am a little. Marlo spoke, "Speaking of Coda where is the little heathen” May rolled her eyes “he got so excited when I told him about his new friend he started running in circles, and now he is asleep” Marlo shook her head and chuckled “we can always have the play date at your house” I tapped my I mean Marlo on the shoulder “Mo-uh Marlo I anna see Coda” I was getting light head from some reason and I wanted to call Marlo mommy I almost did because it fits her so well, but I didn't even though I think I called her mommy before I am not sure. Marlo placed me down in the pen once more, and I whined I don't want her to leave, but Marlo just looked at me and said, "I have to get your stuff if you what to see Coda baby I will get Mama she will play with you” I pouted but waved to her and let her walk away.
POV: Wren
Marlo walked up to me “Key is being very clingy today I think it is because he has regressed so watch him for me” I nodded “yes miss” she smiled and pulled me in for a quick kiss “he is in his playpen okay” I nodded once again “thank you miss” I walked to the living to go take care off my baby. I walked into the living and froze at how adorable my baby boy was he was wearing the footie pajamas I had got him which were light and dark blue with a dinosaur on the front.
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He looked up from laying on his stomach, coloring then let out a happy giggle "Ren” my heart was going to explode from cuteness “Ren tome ere” (Wren come here) he said as he motioned for me to be quick about my walking. I picked him up out of the playpen and swayed him in the arm “oom daddy is air lane” (look daddy I am an Airplane) I laughed as I brought him down a kissed his nose “one day you will fly to the moon” Key scrunched his nose up and shook his head “the ooh has many bumps I tay here sift chu" (the moon has too many bumps I will stay here with you) I nodded in agreement I liked that idea of him never leaving us.
I'm tired of looking in the mirror and Not liking what I see.
(649 words)
(this has not been edited so please don't comment on spelling)