love me...please

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POV: Key

It has been almost a whole week since the accident at work and I was feeling better but for some reason, Marlo refuse to let me go home I mean I didn't mind but I didn't know why. Marlo walked into the living where I was watching TV. I paused my TV and walked over to the couch then sat down "hey Marlo I've been meaning to ask why  I can't go back to work yet or even go to my house" I could see Marlo tense a little but she relaxed "I will tell you when Wren gets home from work okay Cutie" she pinched my cheeks earning a giggle from me and I looked down "sorry" I felt my body lifted into the arm and suddenly I was on Marlo's lap "stop being sorry for being happy" she laid my head on her chest and put her hand on my head then we just laid like that for who knows how long.
The door opened a Wren walked in "hey whore I am home" she yelled and Key looked at me then rolled her eyes "Wren is home" I nodded and pushed myself onto the floor then ran to the front door. "Ren your home" she caught me in a big hug and closed the door with the back of her shoe "yeah I am home and how is the sweetest little boy on earth" I blushed and frowned "why are you pouting sweetie," Wren asked as she stood up and I looked up at her then said "I am not little" she laughed "sweetie I am 5'9 foot to me your little and sweet" I stomped my foot "no I am tall I am um 5'4 I think" Wren nodded then said "yeah that is super tall now go ask how tall Mo-I mean Marlo is sweetie" I turned around to do just that and I ran back into the living room.  I ran to Marlo and I jumped on the couch "Marlie hey guess what" Marlo smiled as she picked me up and put me on her lap "um your cute" I frowned and shook my head "no Ren said you were taller than me so how tall are you" Marlo shrugged and lifted me off her lap. Marlo stood up oh she is tall Marlo laughed "last time I checked I was 5'11 but that was a year ago so I don't know" I looked up at her and blushed why are they so tall?


we sat on the couch me on Wren's lap and Marlo on the floor in-between her legs the TV played an episode of "That's So Raven" and Wren played in Marlo's hair as I laid back on Wren's chest to watch the TV I wish they could be my parents? Maybe my mom wouldn't have died because of me if they were my parents...they never fight. They love me. This is nice.

I go crazy cause here
Isn't where I wanna be.

(512 words)

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