I could do both

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A/N: The only person with short hair is Key. This part contains abusive Transphobia.

POV: Wren

I decided to visit my parents today since Marlo was taking Key to visit hers. I called my mom,and she picked up as soon as I called.

MOM: hello Archer how are you?

WREN: I am fine uh could you give me a minute.

I clicked mute on the phone and I rolled my eyes I forgot I was nonbinary, and my parents still think I am a girl, okay this will be hard.

WREN: I am back any way I was going to stop by cause I have something to tell you...

MOM: If this is about that depression
phase I don't want to hear it I told you already...

WREN: Nope it isn't about that however we do have to talk about that but I have something else to tell you so expect me to be at your house at 2:30 okay.

I clicked the phone before she could say anything because I knew she would make some excuse as to why I couldn't come. I rolled out of my bed and walked to my closet to pick out an outfit.  I picked out a black collared shirt with a black long sleeve shirt to go underneath. Then I got out my skirt and my cross chains I was not a Christian, but I need God to help me come out to my mom.

I looked at my drawer, should I wear it today… I wore it four days in a row…but I wash it, so it doesn't matter…one more day won't hurt

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I looked at my drawer, should I wear it today… I wore it four days in a row…but I wash it, so it doesn't matter…one more day won't hurt. So, I walked to my drawer and pulled out my white binder that I got from Marlo when I had come out to her, then I got dressed.

I held my breath, and I knocked on the door, I had stopped to pick up some of my mom's favorite sweets, so maybe she would be in a good mood. My mom opens the door, “yes, how may I help you”? I rolled my eyes, forgetting that my mom has never seen me as a girl “Mama it's me Archer well it's Wren now, but it is me” My mom had a confused look on her face which disappeared. Her frown replaced with a look of fear when my dad grabbed her shoulder “dear who is this young lady” my mom was going to say something. I said it first “I am Wren your child” My dad shook his head “no I had a son not a daughter you must be mistaken”… I rolled my eyes at him, “okay, let's all just go in, so I can explain”…
My dad's voice boomed as he yelled, “you're not a fucking girl, got it”! I winced as he slammed the cup down, and it hit my finger, “I am not saying I am a girl, I am just not a boy”. My dad tossed his cup with his hand, wow, overdramatic much. “Get in the damn car we are going to cut your hair” I shook my head “I like it long, and it is my hair I won't cut it”! My dad yanked me out of my seat and dragged me out the door by my shirt. My mom just followed behind me, whispering something that sounds a lot like “I messed up”….


My dad tossed me in the car and I clawed at him and bite his hand “you fucking bitch” he slapped me and my head hit the window “I hate you” I yelled back as I once again tried to get out of the car already I was crying “dad stop please” this earned me some other slap and I fall back again.
I looked up in fear “wait dad I'm sorry” my dad hit me in the head and everything went black.
I woke up, “look at you there is my boy” my dad smiled at me as if he hadn't just knocked me out. Wait…hold up I grabbed where my hair should be, but my hand didn't touch anything what the hell I looked in the review mirror of the car and started crying why would… I look like a boy… I… looked down and saw that I was now wearing my stupid old boy clothes. Thanked the gods that it was not a super masculine outfit and that I was just wearing my teddy bear collared shirt and some tan slacks.

 Thanked the gods that it was not a super masculine outfit and that I was just wearing my teddy bear collared shirt and some tan slacks

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My mom looked at me and signed the words I am sorry. I wasn't deaf but that thought I was, apparently the doctor got mixed up or whatever. The fact that they thought I was deaf was most likely the reason my dad thought it was okay to pick on me. I was okay with it. I mean, getting my hair cut and being knocked out by the only man who is supposed to love me and treat me right is not cool. But it keeps them away from my siblings, so I am fine with it. Anyone who knows me from where I live or anywhere actually knows I am not one to back down from a beating, especially if the people I love need help.

Because I'm not the type of person someone falls in love with.

(896 words)

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